Friday, 7 March 2014


My post title:  Perfection and you
My blog title: Horizon.

Who is a perfect person? ( Arjuna asks krishna)
Krishna  defines  a perfect  person  as one  who  has completely  abondoned all desires  as  result  of being  fulfilled  in  the self  by the self. It is desire  that  takes away your  might  and power.
Desire comes  in the way of sucess.
Unfulfilled  desire  agitates  the mind  and causes  stress .
Desire enslaves and weaken us.

To regain perfection  you need  to drop desire.
Desire  cannot just  be wished away, you can only take uo a higher  desire . As you rise  above desire , objects  of desire  come to you  , onsought. Thus you become happy  and sucessful human being .

Krishna,  concludes, with  the definition of happiness.
We all seek happiness  but are clueless  about  where it lies or how to  obtain it. Here is a clear indications that  you can follow  to rise  to a higher  leveks  of happiness until you attain  infinite hapoiness.

Thanks to everyone.

Wish all my G+ friends HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY.

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