My post title: Mind and Matter.
My blog title: Horizon
When , where and how thoughts comes in our brain?
They merely micro electric impulses initiated and perpetuated within the densely intricate neuronal networks?
Thoughts are only chemical alchemy?
In 1990s , Candice pert chief molecular biologist discovered that thoughts are real , physical things. Your thoughts become molecules the instant you think.
The hypothalamus a control centre near the base of your brain transforms that thought in to millions of neuropeptides.
There are amino acids which are generated and associated with emotions of thoughts and released in to blood.
The body redefines its homeostatic protocols and gets addicted to certain thoughts patterns and emotional states irrespective of feeling good or bad.
Thoughts consume energy .The brain has the highest metabolic rate of all organs .
Thoughts fall in both voluntary as well as involuntary domains.
Fleeting thoughts have their origins in the subconscious mind.They seem to appear on the horizon of consciousness like clouds in a clear sky and they stream through.
Every great works and tasks begin as thought.
Thanks to everyone.
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