Thursday, 6 March 2014


My post title: Any  thing changes when we die?
My blog title:  Horizon

The important  question arise within everyone of us, what  type of effort  should one  make ensure  that thoughts  of the divine  occupy  our mind  in our last moments  so that we are able  to depart  peacefully  from the world?
The great sleep can happen  any moment  and take  away any moment from the world. In meditation  we do everything consciously, what we do unconsciously  every night in deep sleep. Every  night you lose awarness of your physical existence and the world, these get obliterated from the  screen of your  consciousness.
This points  to the fact  that you are  not a mere  body of flesh and bones, and  we experienced  it unconsciously in the state of deep sleep,  and  can also be experienced  consciously  in meditation by reconnecting our identity  with our true self.
The more you meditate , the more  you will  realise  that there is something  divine behind the kingdom of  ordinary consciousness  where supreme  peace and happiness rule together.

A state  where no  duality  of consciousness is experienced and all  painful experience of life  and  death  give way  to the bliss .

Thanks to everyone.********

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