Monday, 24 March 2014


My post title: Spirituality & Technology.
My blog title: Horizon.

Today's post I liked to start with some words of great spiritual leader Dalai Lama, said that he can't rule out the possibility of one day reincarnating as a computer.

The barriers between science, technology  and spirituality are breaking down  very fast.
Technology is experienced by us  it is used to accomplish an end result.

Spirituality is more emotional part of human life , want to know something through it.Technology plays a bigger role in spiritual , so we are very easily attached to it.

Now people can fall love with a device or a piece of technology, in a very recent English movie "Her",  its shown.  So technology loved back? It can possible , if you believe Dalai Lama.
Dalai Lama , said we are machines with consciousness, so when man made machines gains consciousness and full fill purpose of life.
Can a machine love a human being, that question only time can answer.

We all considered spirituality different way in our life according to our geographical boundaries.

Some believe technology and spirituality are two sides of a same coin.
Some physicist says they considered technology as a negative energy field.

If we think about the relation between technology and spirituality, then it very much clear that everything in this world comes from the same source , so why they not considered as spiritual existence like others.

Time comes to think within about your latest I -pad, smartphones  .

Thanks to everyone.

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