Monday, 10 March 2014


My post title:  Ownership of Soul

My blog title:  Horizon

Its a very common compaint from both husband and  wife in their marriage lifes , which I liked to explain according  to my point of view.


Men often complain that  their wives don't understand them and so their wife needed  treatment or counselling,  why men think that way that sometime make me surprise  and it happen vice versa, but they never think that their husband not only responsible for it, and they started blaming their  parents directly and indirectly, friends and relatives.

If we keep on blaming others , we never find result in our life time, very easy way to lead a  happy married life , "To start working on yourself" .
I want to discuss some points which can creat miracles in married life:
Time to change your feeling about opposite sex.
Think best about yourself, start thinking best about opposite sex.
Remember what we think, it always project in our life.

Why to blame others , for your own mistakes try to change yourself first.Every moments of life we are searching for some solutions , but it is within us .

Life is very  beautiful gift ever  presented to us by supreme power, he gave us  , now  it is our duty to make our  life  to be presentable at our  own supreme power ,   that much he want from us.

Thanks to everyone.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

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