Tuesday, 25 March 2014


My post title: Real love and you.
My blog title: Horizon.

Whawe actually mean by real love?
Some considered as a selfish motives even in what people call love, which deceive them and they make mistake selfish feelings for love.
Whenever we  are talking about love most of the time we used words , "I" and "my".

I liked to discuss with a very simple example,
When we find our child moving or playing with dirty  or  tattered clothes we changed it according to our power and make them happy.
Same incident we find on the street , do we really feel for  that situation, if no then your attitude towards your own child is merely a result of your selfish feeling.

When you  start feeling the same thing about your own child and street , then the absence of selfishness is therefore the true , real and purest Love. Any one can feel that Love,  when you remove "I" from your life then only it possible,

There is a very misconceptions regarding  self realization to leave everything , that's is wrong  you have to stay here and perform all duties and  stay aloof from all attachment.

When we feel hungry we go out for food same  thing happens within you when you are really hungry to know something beyond  life.

Thanks to everyone.●

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