Saturday, 8 March 2014


My post title: women power
My blog title: Horizon

Women  have been subject to physical,  emotional  and intellectual  exploitation  even in countries  where there is supposed  to be prog
ressive  thinking  and development.
Men are  made to creat  an environment  free of intellectual  and em-
tional  inequality  and pressure  in work, home  and in society also.
If this attitude  remains , a shadow  will continue  to grow over relations
between  men and women  along  with society.

We have to creat  mutual respect and loving acknowledgement  , otherwise they live like a  distant shores without a bridge.
Men and women both cultivate  greater understanding  , mental maturity and intellectual  purpose of life.

Men must aware  of  the progress  society  and individual can make a difference in society.

A very general statement comes from women , that they are not supported by society , they are not given  status, freedom   and respect which they deserved in their own home and society . Men do not liked to hear this  truth because according to men they are given  too much  freedom  what they actually deserve  in home and siciety , indirectly men are trying to control women  like  objects, men complaining  that women neglecting  their homes and children , before  blaming others we have to look inside of ourselves,  then only can change this situations.

In our total society system , men  have lorded over  and exoloited women  , now and then,  they had enough  and now  time comes to teach lesson  to them , those who disrepect  us.

Remember, women is not  weak , that is their natural instinct  of sympathy and compassion but men considered it as a weakness.

For development of  a society and nations , men  should accept  her sister, wife and  women powers with an open mind.

Thanks to everyone.**********

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