Monday, 31 March 2014


My post title: Think before Blame
My blog title: Horizon.

Men and women often complain that
their husband or wife never try to understand them.

All we need to do work on ourselves to improve in our thoughts and intentions.
If we really want a change in our relationship then we have to change in our feelings in both the way . Always wish good things for others.

Remember you are the real owner  of your life so change it according to your wish.

Life is a very beautiful gift, how we decorate it is up to us.
Be kind , giving and loving and all good things start happening with us.
Believe me.

Thanks to everyone.


Woman  is the creator  of the
universe, the universe  is her
form; woman is  the foundation
of the world, she  is the true form
Of the body.
In woman is the  form of all things,
of all that  lives and moves  in the
There  is no jewel  rarer than woman,
no condition  superior  to that of  a

Sunday, 30 March 2014


My post title:  your feet and you
My blog title:Horizon

We all  walk  non stop to creat something  such as,  houses, villages, towns, cities  and different mode of transportations.
Our real world  is rooted within  invisible world.  Our all dreams , happiness everything  lying under own feet.

Beneath our feet we find soil,  a large number of bacteria and animals depended on it,  so soil is  vibrant  with life  it is also true that the above grounded life is rooted  in to below ground life.
Our life directly related  below  ground life.

Soil in hindu philosophy considered  as a most sacred . According  to our traditional  indian farmers  , Feed  not the plants, feed the soil, so that soil itself  feeds the plants, according to them  feed the soil  is their moral obligation.

We all must remember that  , soil  is not  a  cheapest  resource but in reality  is the most precious  for human existence on earth.

Respect  what lie beneath your feet.

Thanks to everyone.


Life is busy.
There are daily obligations that
have to be met.
Take time to think about how
precious and  special human
life is-
You  only get one such life .
Every wasted minute is  lost.
You can't get it back.

Rush Limbaugh

Saturday, 29 March 2014


My post title:  success and Happiness.
My blog title: Horizon

We all in hurry in life to achieve  something  which is limited edition for us, that is we called  success.
We don't know one thing that all this success  is ephemeral.  In the sphere of  success we  targets our nearer and dearer ones  as a ladder to climb, by these way we slowly loosing the values of  relationships .

There is a big misconceptions  about success, they feel that once they achieved success then universe started  paying attention to them.
Others want success to ensure that they will always get  whatever they want.

Everyone wishes one thing in life that  , to be happy.
Our concept of happiness  become confusing  with excitement .We are all looking outside  for feed backs of happiness,    from material world and by seeing and discussing about others,  outer world acts like a drugs which is compulsory for a  person to intake regularly to creat happiness which is not real  in reality, but a person who look inside and happy with belongings never  need to take drugs from outer world.

We all must remember one thing ,  find your inner joy  in activity , rather depend on others to praise you for your own happiness.

Thanks to everyone.


The gods gave a microbe
a drop of water, and  in
it  he lived.
They gave an ant a half
acre of land, and  he 
They gave  a tiger the forest
and he  formed an empire
and become an emperor.
They gave  man the  universe
and all the knowledge  therein.
He entered  of his own free  will
the  dungeon of Dogma,
Shut his mind to truth  and slew
and starved his brothers.

The Book Of
Right Feeling.

Friday, 28 March 2014


My post title:  Likes and Dislikes.
My blog title:  Horizon.

Nothing in our life is more  important than to be able to change our likes and dislijes when we needed to.
Its true one who mastered on this particular  aspect  he can very easily realized  values of life, but those  who are victim of likes and dislikes they are in tourmoil .

Now a days we all using a very common statement , "I like it, so I am doing it".  Indirectly its a confession of  a person  that he is not free from within. When  we are saying ,"  I am going to do  this  because I like it,  I am not going to do that because  I don't like it" , what I am really saying is, "my hands are bound , I have no choice in life".

This is our actual condition , we have always been encouraged to do the things , we like doing, to do the  things we are  good at doing,  and not to do the things  we dislike.

Those who  have strong likes and dislikes  they find life very difficult , those type of people's never bend in life but they only break.

Thanks to everyone.


Faith is nourishment,
virtuous deeds are a
Wisdom  is light by
day and  right mind-
fulness  is protection
by night.

Gautama Buddha.

Thursday, 27 March 2014


My post title: Marriage and colors.
My blog title:Horizon

According to  hindu marriage  it unites two souls in a firm bond.
Hindu marriage ceremonies take place inside a beautiful  and decorated  canopy called  mandap.
The mandap evolves from being  merely a symbol  to become a sign  of all that is celestial  sacred.
The rituals of marriage take place under this canopy , two unknown soul come to know each other first time and start falling in love.
During  the various rituals  , the couple commits to remain faithful to each other and committing to the seven marriage vows , every one blessed them.

The colors which are used in mandaps are signigicant in life , are as follows:
Orange: The color  represents  joy, optimism, playfulness and warmth. E, g.marigolds.

Blue: This color represents  expression of feelings, emotions, communication , wisdom and justice.  It also balances throat chakra.

Green: This color  represent  emotionsl stability, harmony and trust. It balances heart chakra.

Red: This  color represent  sexual energy , vigour and passion. It balances many areas of sexual desire in married life.

Indigo: This color represent  intuition,  faithfulness  and fearlessness. It balances  the ajna chakra.

Silvery white: This color represents peace of mind,  spirituality , wisdom and mental strength.  It balances crown chakra.

Yellow: This color represents confidence, creativity and intelligence. It balances  over all  well being.

Thanks to everyone.


Disciplines are for the purification
of the heart.
And as  soon as it pure, all  truths
flash upon it in a minute;
all truth  in the universe  will  manifest
in your heart, if you are sufficiently  pure.

Swami Vivekananda

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


My post title: Mind and Matter.
My blog title: Horizon

When , where and how thoughts comes in our brain?
They merely micro electric impulses initiated and perpetuated  within the densely intricate  neuronal networks?
Thoughts are only chemical  alchemy?

In 1990s , Candice pert  chief molecular biologist  discovered  that thoughts are real , physical things. Your thoughts become molecules  the instant you think.
The hypothalamus  a control centre near the base of your brain  transforms that thought in to millions of neuropeptides.
There are amino acids which are generated and associated with emotions of thoughts and released in to blood.
The body redefines its homeostatic protocols and gets addicted to certain thoughts patterns and emotional states irrespective of feeling good or bad.

Thoughts consume energy  .The brain has the highest  metabolic rate of all organs .
Thoughts fall in both voluntary as well as involuntary domains.

Fleeting thoughts have their origins in the subconscious mind.They seem to appear on the horizon of consciousness like clouds in a clear sky and they stream through.

Every great works and tasks begin as thought.

Thanks to everyone.


We are shaped by our
We become what we
When the mind is pure,
joy follows like a  shadow
that never leaves.


Tuesday, 25 March 2014


My post title: Real love and you.
My blog title: Horizon.

Whawe actually mean by real love?
Some considered as a selfish motives even in what people call love, which deceive them and they make mistake selfish feelings for love.
Whenever we  are talking about love most of the time we used words , "I" and "my".

I liked to discuss with a very simple example,
When we find our child moving or playing with dirty  or  tattered clothes we changed it according to our power and make them happy.
Same incident we find on the street , do we really feel for  that situation, if no then your attitude towards your own child is merely a result of your selfish feeling.

When you  start feeling the same thing about your own child and street , then the absence of selfishness is therefore the true , real and purest Love. Any one can feel that Love,  when you remove "I" from your life then only it possible,

There is a very misconceptions regarding  self realization to leave everything , that's is wrong  you have to stay here and perform all duties and  stay aloof from all attachment.

When we feel hungry we go out for food same  thing happens within you when you are really hungry to know something beyond  life.

Thanks to everyone.●


Life should be full of
And each color is meant
to be seen and enjoyed
separately, for if seen all
mixed together, they will
appear all black.
Similarly , in life , different
roles played by the same
person should exist peacefully
and distinctly inside him.
Lift your spirit with the joy of

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Monday, 24 March 2014


My post title: Spirituality & Technology.
My blog title: Horizon.

Today's post I liked to start with some words of great spiritual leader Dalai Lama, said that he can't rule out the possibility of one day reincarnating as a computer.

The barriers between science, technology  and spirituality are breaking down  very fast.
Technology is experienced by us  it is used to accomplish an end result.

Spirituality is more emotional part of human life , want to know something through it.Technology plays a bigger role in spiritual , so we are very easily attached to it.

Now people can fall love with a device or a piece of technology, in a very recent English movie "Her",  its shown.  So technology loved back? It can possible , if you believe Dalai Lama.
Dalai Lama , said we are machines with consciousness, so when man made machines gains consciousness and full fill purpose of life.
Can a machine love a human being, that question only time can answer.

We all considered spirituality different way in our life according to our geographical boundaries.

Some believe technology and spirituality are two sides of a same coin.
Some physicist says they considered technology as a negative energy field.

If we think about the relation between technology and spirituality, then it very much clear that everything in this world comes from the same source , so why they not considered as spiritual existence like others.

Time comes to think within about your latest I -pad, smartphones  .

Thanks to everyone.


You have to grow from
the inside out.
None can teach you,
none can make you
There is no other teacher
but your own soul.


Sunday, 23 March 2014


My post title: Stress and Emotions.
My blog title: horizon.

The day we are born stress starts  influencing  our health  and mind.
From our school level , to study, to behave and to excel  in everything then comes the race which I liked to call as rat race for false identification within our own made showoff society to compete with nearer and dearer ones to full fill some desires which are only a land mark to find a address,  by these way we keep increasing our   stress level and at last we find ourselves standing in the front of a pharmacy holding a permanent medical  addiction prescription .

Its a very sad part of our life that we all very easily accept those races which never ended but we never think once about inner self  .

Its true that humans are given  free will and ability to make right choice and decision in life.
We are more habituated to live with default  mechanism to avoid  own thoughts. Time changed so our prospective .
From our own life we have to learn  where we have to use our brake (emergency ) to avoid collision with our beautiful life.

A small practice can change our life , meditation help us to observe  emotions , rather than  a participants in reactions.

Thanks to everyone.


By sustained effort,
earnestness, discipline
and self control, let the
wise man make for himself
an island which no flood can


Monday, 17 March 2014


Life is a great  big canvas,
and you should throw all
the paint  on it  you can.

Danny Kaye

Sunday, 16 March 2014


  Life to be celebrated

Purify your eyes, and
see the pure  world.
Your life will  with
radiant forms.

Jalaluddin Rumi.

Saturday, 15 March 2014



Look at Nature; there is
existence  enjoying Holi
In Nature,  colors flow 
afresh  everyday, new
flowers  open each  
Even  before  the old
leaves fall, new buds
are bursting  out  and
new  shoots  are  sprin-
ging up.
The festival is non- stop.


Friday, 14 March 2014


My post title : Humble to Life
My blog title: Horizon

May be its just a story , but for me a lesson of life, so I liked to share it  with all my  readers.

One day a man  from a nearby village  called out  at the monastery gates, and handed  the old monk  who opened it  at a magnificent  bunch of  grapes, saying  , Dear father , I have brought  as a gift  the finest grapes my vineyard has produced.
The monk smiled , Thank you , I will take them to the Aboot immediately ; he will  be delighted  with the offering. But the villager  said,  No , no, I brought  them for you .
The old monk  did not think he deserved such a  fine gift. Ohmyes ! Insisted  the man . For whenever  I come  by , you open the gates  and welcomes me.when I  needed help  because  the crop  was destroyed , you shared  your meal  with me every day. I hope  this  bunch  of graoes  will  remind you of the sun's love, the rain's beauty  and the miracle of God, for it is He who made them grow so fine.
The monk  held the bunch of grapes . It looked  full  and luscious, He decided  to present  it to the Aboot, who had always encouraged  him with words of wisdom.
The Aboot  was very pleased  with the grapes , but  as he accepted  them, he thought of one of the brothers  who had been very unwell, I  will give these grapes, they may bring some joy to his life.
But the grapes did not  stay  in the sick monks room for long. He  reflected  , Brother  cook  has been feeding  me such nourishing  meals  to help me recover, I am sure  he will  enjoy these. As the cook brought  himmhis  meal, he oresented  him  with the grapes.
They are for you, said the sick monk, you work  so hard,  take a moment  to sit and enjoy these.
Brother cook was amazed  at the beauty of the grapes, then he thought  of the  newest  entrant to the monastery. He decided  to gift  them to the youngster as he felt  he might  be a bit lonely  without  his family, and also so that he might  understand that the work of creation  happen with small detailing.

Thanks to everyone.



A family is a place where
minds come in contact
with  one another.
If these minds love  one
another  the home  will
be  as beautiful  as a
flower garden.
But if  these minds  get
out of  harmony  with one
another it is like a storm that
plays havoc  with the garden.

Gautama  Buddha********

Thursday, 13 March 2014


My post title: Mantras and Usefulness.
My blog title: Horizon

In ancient times, every home  had a sacred  grove, which indicates  reverence for nature.
They are divided in to five great  sacrifices,
1. Brahma yagnam .
2. Pitru  yagnam.
3. Agnihotra yagnam.
4. Naimitika karmas.
5. Panchamaha yagnas.

It is  necessary for us to think about all those  rituals which performed by chants of vedic mantras , not a single vedic mantras used for any individual benefits , its for everyone so we used VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM, WE ARE ONE FAMILY .

Remember good deeds always  count  and it start emitting positive energies to all and everyone.

Thanks to everyone.


            MARK  11: 24
          ●●●●●  ●●●●

What so ever  things you
When you pray, believe
that  you receive them,
and you shall  have them.


Wednesday, 12 March 2014


My post title:  Gratefulness and you.
My blog title:  Horizon

We all said to each other Be Grateful to life and to others those who participate  in our life, but what is Gratefulness?

When we are grateful  to  our sarroundings , life etc we start feeling positive, happy  and optimistic in life, it directly help us to see beyond our life prospect.
When we express gratitude , it teaches  the process of appreciation , because according to human nature we accept everything  as granted .
May be we need to go without the things  we take  for granted , to be able to appreciate  what we have.

Consciously when we start feeling grateful  for , then actually we all start counting our blessings.
Acknowledge them  those who are  participate in our life , sometime we start  acknowleding  when  we are sick .

Most of us think that if  we had a little more of this  or  that  then we are very happy, we all make same mistake with our life.
We are  not satisfied  with  what  we have,  even we are not  satisfied  even it  more than  asking for.

Why this type of thoughts arise in our mind?  Is really anything happen to us?
It all happens  due to our thought power.
If  we start feeling grateful for everything we already have, then simaltaneously we start  attract many more things  to be grateful for.

If we believe that we are alive, then  being free to do what we all like to do , we are literate so be with people who really needs you.

Gratitude  is most  beautiful  when we start expressing it  , only when we felt it .
When we show gratitude  we start expressing our  happiness and joy with others.

In every religion , their is a way of paying gratitude to your supreme power ,
In Hindu culture we used inscence sticks to express our gratitude to our supreme power.

We all must remember, Gratitude is not  an attitude to yourself , its  should be  an attitude  to life, which we can  share with others.

Thanks to everyone,


      BHAGWAD GITA  8.26

There are  two ways  of  passing
from this world-
One in  light  and
One in  darkness.
When  one passes  in light  he does
not come  back  but
When  one  passes  in  darkness
he returns.


Tuesday, 11 March 2014


My post title:  Praise yourself
My blog title:  Horizon

Throughout our journey we encouncountered with different situations from our first day in school , college , interviews and then one day become family man ,but in every step we are more concerned  about our own presentation in the front of outer world.

Do we remember first  job application  we all highlighted all the good things like  experience, family backgrounds etc. but most of us hide  all the difficulties  we  have in your journey  and focused  on great work we have already  done.

For any financial help to bank we tried to use best words  for ourselves.
When our sons or daughters apply for business school we tried to put them as a best candidate , sometime we used reference letter from school and college teachers to  prove them best.

We are all in race in life to achieve something but did we know , what to achieve and how it looks like?.
When to gain something from outside world  , our motive behind it to place ourselves  best without  our weakness , because we are scared about ourselves , because we are incomplete from  inside.The whole play , is considered as a amazing worldly affairs.

The moment you hide your weakness , you instantly cheat yourself , if we start looking to our weakness  start working on it  life become more beautiful and  we all started realizing day by day our improvement within and it start working as mirror to outerworld  .

Thanks to everyone.

                                         TRY ONCE.
                                         TRY ONCE
                                         TRY ONCE.


              J KRISHNAMURTI
            ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Self knowledge  is not a
thing  to be bought  in books,
but it is awarness,  from 
moment to moment.

Monday, 10 March 2014


My post title:  Ownership of Soul

My blog title:  Horizon

Its a very common compaint from both husband and  wife in their marriage lifes , which I liked to explain according  to my point of view.


Men often complain that  their wives don't understand them and so their wife needed  treatment or counselling,  why men think that way that sometime make me surprise  and it happen vice versa, but they never think that their husband not only responsible for it, and they started blaming their  parents directly and indirectly, friends and relatives.

If we keep on blaming others , we never find result in our life time, very easy way to lead a  happy married life , "To start working on yourself" .
I want to discuss some points which can creat miracles in married life:
Time to change your feeling about opposite sex.
Think best about yourself, start thinking best about opposite sex.
Remember what we think, it always project in our life.

Why to blame others , for your own mistakes try to change yourself first.Every moments of life we are searching for some solutions , but it is within us .

Life is very  beautiful gift ever  presented to us by supreme power, he gave us  , now  it is our duty to make our  life  to be presentable at our  own supreme power ,   that much he want from us.

Thanks to everyone.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤


"The Perfect Nourishment  for  Our  Soul. "
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

From  the begining
man  and man,
man and nature,
man  and the universe
have been woven together
like a sari  an angel  would wear.
It is fine  art that dazzles  the eye,
and only  a poet  can see
the invisible  threads  of life.

Daisaku Ikeda■¤■¤■¤■¤■¤

Sunday, 9 March 2014


My  post title : Opportunity and you.
My blog title: Horizon.

A rich man  came to live  in a  street  in which a , tanner
also had his residence.
The smell of the tanner's hides  wafted in to the rich
man's  house filling  him with  disgust.
He offered the tanner a  huge of money  to move  to
Some  other place, but  the tanner  decided  to hold
out  for a larger  sum and  gave evasive  replies,
When  several  weeks later , he hinted  that he was
ready  to sell his house  and move, the newcomer
showed  no interest.
"I ever got  used  to the smell", he said"  " Now , whether
you go or stay  matters little to me".

Seize the opportunity  when it  comes or you  may
lose it forever.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤■□■□■□■


Whatever  you say  to yourself,
about yourself,
you will  believe;  and
you  will  become  what
you believe.

Common  Man********

Saturday, 8 March 2014


My post title: women power
My blog title: Horizon

Women  have been subject to physical,  emotional  and intellectual  exploitation  even in countries  where there is supposed  to be prog
ressive  thinking  and development.
Men are  made to creat  an environment  free of intellectual  and em-
tional  inequality  and pressure  in work, home  and in society also.
If this attitude  remains , a shadow  will continue  to grow over relations
between  men and women  along  with society.

We have to creat  mutual respect and loving acknowledgement  , otherwise they live like a  distant shores without a bridge.
Men and women both cultivate  greater understanding  , mental maturity and intellectual  purpose of life.

Men must aware  of  the progress  society  and individual can make a difference in society.

A very general statement comes from women , that they are not supported by society , they are not given  status, freedom   and respect which they deserved in their own home and society . Men do not liked to hear this  truth because according to men they are given  too much  freedom  what they actually deserve  in home and siciety , indirectly men are trying to control women  like  objects, men complaining  that women neglecting  their homes and children , before  blaming others we have to look inside of ourselves,  then only can change this situations.

In our total society system , men  have lorded over  and exoloited women  , now and then,  they had enough  and now  time comes to teach lesson  to them , those who disrepect  us.

Remember, women is not  weak , that is their natural instinct  of sympathy and compassion but men considered it as a weakness.

For development of  a society and nations , men  should accept  her sister, wife and  women powers with an open mind.

Thanks to everyone.**********


May our heart's garden of
awakening  bloom with
hundreds of flowers.

Thich Nhat Hanh******

Friday, 7 March 2014


My post title:  Perfection and you
My blog title: Horizon.

Who is a perfect person? ( Arjuna asks krishna)
Krishna  defines  a perfect  person  as one  who  has completely  abondoned all desires  as  result  of being  fulfilled  in  the self  by the self. It is desire  that  takes away your  might  and power.
Desire comes  in the way of sucess.
Unfulfilled  desire  agitates  the mind  and causes  stress .
Desire enslaves and weaken us.

To regain perfection  you need  to drop desire.
Desire  cannot just  be wished away, you can only take uo a higher  desire . As you rise  above desire , objects  of desire  come to you  , onsought. Thus you become happy  and sucessful human being .

Krishna,  concludes, with  the definition of happiness.
We all seek happiness  but are clueless  about  where it lies or how to  obtain it. Here is a clear indications that  you can follow  to rise  to a higher  leveks  of happiness until you attain  infinite hapoiness.

Thanks to everyone.

Wish all my G+ friends HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY.


Don't hate  life and death
or  love life and death.
Keep your every thought
free of  delusion , and  in
life  you will  witness the
beginning  of nirvana,
and in death  you will
experience  the  assurance
of no  rebirth.


Thursday, 6 March 2014


My post title: Any  thing changes when we die?
My blog title:  Horizon

The important  question arise within everyone of us, what  type of effort  should one  make ensure  that thoughts  of the divine  occupy  our mind  in our last moments  so that we are able  to depart  peacefully  from the world?
The great sleep can happen  any moment  and take  away any moment from the world. In meditation  we do everything consciously, what we do unconsciously  every night in deep sleep. Every  night you lose awarness of your physical existence and the world, these get obliterated from the  screen of your  consciousness.
This points  to the fact  that you are  not a mere  body of flesh and bones, and  we experienced  it unconsciously in the state of deep sleep,  and  can also be experienced  consciously  in meditation by reconnecting our identity  with our true self.
The more you meditate , the more  you will  realise  that there is something  divine behind the kingdom of  ordinary consciousness  where supreme  peace and happiness rule together.

A state  where no  duality  of consciousness is experienced and all  painful experience of life  and  death  give way  to the bliss .

Thanks to everyone.********


Garden is a grand  teacher .
It  teaches a  patience  and
careful watchfulness;
it teaches  industry  and
above all  it teaches  entire

Gertrude Jekyll********

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


My post title:  Good  Company
My blog title:   Horizon

A teacher was trying to make use of her  psychology background .
She began her class by saying, "please  stand up , if you think that
you are  stupid". Right  away, little  Mike stood up .The teacher asked,
"Why do you think  you are stupid,  little Mike?"
"I don't , ma'am, but  I hate to see
You standing   there all by  yourself".

Thanks to everyone.


The most important  point
is to  accept  yourself  and
stand  on your two feet.

Shunryu Suzuki


My post title: chicken  and Egg.
My blog title:  Horizon

It has been  the ultimate philosophical  and scientific  mystery  for centuries,  until now, that is.
Scientists  have claimed to have  cracked  the riddle of whether  the chicken  or the egg came first.
The answer , they say, is the chicken.
Researchers found that the formation of egg shells relies on a protein found  only in  chicken's ovaries. Scientists  have discovered  that eggs can only  have been  laid  by chickens, thus solving the puzzle. Therefore , an egg can exist  only if it has been  inside  a chicken . The  protein  called ovacledidin- 17 (OC-17), act  as a catalyst to speed up the development  of the shell. This hard shell is essential  to house  the yolk  and its protective  fluids  while the chick  develops inside.

Scientists from sheffield  and warwick universities used a super computer to zoom in  on the formation  of an egg.
The computer  revealed  that OC-17 is crucial in kick starting crystallisation - the  early stages of the creation of a shell. The  protein coverts calcium carbonate  in to calcite  crystals  that make  up the shell.

Thanks to everyone.********

Published : daily mail

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


At  the centre  of your being
You have the answer; you
Know  who you are  and you
Know  what you want.

Lao T''ZU*********

Monday, 3 March 2014


My post title: God form and formless.
My blog title:  Horizon.

Divine love between  devotee  and God  is transdental joy  for ever  which is in seperable  from  Brahmn, cosmic consciousness.

Unconditional service of man is for Ramakrishna, the divine service of God.But instead if being pitful  and egoistic  one should be  loving and worshipful to humanity.

People follow  diverse ways of  worship  according  to their religion. Some worship  the omnipresent  as image  while others  believe in  the formless.

Ramakrishna, once asked a visitor, "Do you have faith in  any image  of the spirit or you  prefer to worship  God as formless. Absolute?"
The  visitor  replied "I am  inclined  to think  God as formless spirit" . Sri Ramakrishna  approved, "well stick to your  conviction, .But never  think  that  this alone  is true. God with form is just  as  true  as God  without form. He is limitless  and  so are  the ways  to realise Him".

Ultimate  aim of human life  and gave  us vision , mission  and direction to live a purposeful life.

Thanks to everyone.******


If you desire to be pure,
have firm faith ,   and
slowly  go on  with your
devotional  practices with-
out wasting your energy
in useless  scriptural  discu-
ssions and arguments.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa*******

Sunday, 2 March 2014


My post title:  Well - Groomed
My blog title:  Horizon,

The owner  of a farm  asked his child to work every day ,
at the farm.
His friend  said to him , "you  do not have to make  your
son work  so hard.  The crops  would  grow  just as good".
The farm owner replied ,
" I am not cultivating  my crops, but my child."

A simple way  to groom  a child  is to let  him  experience
some  hardships.

If not cut , jade would  not turn in to useful  ware.

Thanks to everyone.*******


Is God is masculine or feminine?
Why do you want to know? .....
We feel that if we can find  out
What  this immense reality is,
then  we can mould our  lives
according  to that reality......


Saturday, 1 March 2014


My post title :  power
My blog title:   Horizon

The  definition  of power  we expand  our understanding  of empowerment - individually and collectively and transform  relationships  that exist in society  away from normative  towards cooperation and mutual benefit,

There are many tools available in use of power,  such as, control, authority , influence and  domination. These tools  include money,  political  access  and use of the force.
When some one has money , we say  "he has power".
These tools sometime eat up your dearest and relationship for ever.  Whether these relationship  exist on  a micro  sale  between  husband and wife  or on a macro scale  between different  political parties.

We limit  the relationship  of society  to a never  ending  struggle  for influence  and authority.

One arm of the body cannot be in  a struggle  for power  with the other arm.
In the same way  we can stand together with unity against diverse societies, systems, mutual cooperation and support.

Thanks to everyone.


All because  of love,
When it arrived by
temporal  life  from
then on  changed to

*****Jalaluddin  Rumi******