Saturday, 19 April 2014


My post title:  small minds
My blog title:  Horizon

The universe supports the spiritual  good  in ordinary  people  over the small minds.
It is  true  even  in the ordinary  context of daily life  where  small minds  exercise  a stranglehold  on others in jobs, offices and also in  religious ones.
The most important  to treat  others equally  and respect  the dignity, worth and views  of others that could  be highest peak of spirituality.

Humanity still survive  because of  the good that  continues  by  formation of chains  creat by ordinary people.
Todays world is no different  though we would like to  pretend  that we live in more  enlightened times, but that is not true, still  women are treated like doormats, your boss behave with you like a  disposable material,  remember our  disposable culture take us nowhere  and more interesting it continues  across all walks of life among all classes.

All  religion of the world speak about  equality,  but in practice  it is very different, same thing happen  people working in different  levels of siciety, like sweepers, clerks  , cleaners etc. all should treat equally  with respect and pay gratitude for their work,  somewhere  the true lesson  that we must learn  as human beings  is forgotten , due to intoxication of  ego.

After all  highs and lows  human life still survive , it  proves  that  universe always  helping them to survive.

Thanks to everyone.

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