Wednesday, 30 April 2014


My post title:  Life and  Breath
My blog title: Horizon

When we used word  breath , very easily come to know  the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, but it  not just that , more than that what I am trying to explain today .

With your different emotions and feelings our breathing pattern constantly changing like, angry mode, happy mode , peaceful mode and sad mode.Remember your thoughts control your breathing pattern.

We can use breath in different aspect of life because it controls our body and mind directly by way of pranayama , its a complete science behind it.

If any body says ,watch your breath  ,we start thinking its a very easy processes movement of oxygen and carbondioxide   but its a falls assumptions to follow breath  because  we are only able to notice the sensation  caused by air movement , eg  someone closed your eyes from back  with their  hands ,you  start thinking you know him or her but in reality you only the sensations by energies which generated within your body , you don't know how the other person  feels.

Breath with life, which gives you a new dimension of your life.

Thanks to everyone.


He who has no thought
of "I" and  "mine" towards
his mind and body, he who
grieves not for that which he
has not, he is, indeed,
called a  Bhikkhu.

Dhammapada 367

Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Understand the whole of
life , not just one little part
of it.
That is why you must read,
you must look at the skies,
sing and dance, and write
poems, suffer and understand,
for all that is life.


Monday, 28 April 2014


Dancing  is not just
a movement.
When a movement
becomes ecstatic then
it  is dance... Your trust
in the total opens all your
sensitivities  to their  extreme.
This whole existence  becomes
a sheer dance, sheer celebration.


Sunday, 27 April 2014


Work is love made visible.
And if  you cannot  work
With  love but only with
distaste, it is better  that
you  should  leave your
work  and sit  at the gate
of the temple and take alms
of those  who  work  with  joy.


Saturday, 26 April 2014


Words cannot reveal her.
Mind cannot reach her.
Eyes do not see her.
How then she be  compre
hended, save  when taught
by those  seers who indeed
have  known her?

Katha Upanishad
1.2.7-9; 2.6.12

Friday, 25 April 2014


I was dominated, soul,
brain , and power by you.
You become to me the
visible  incarnation of
that  unseen  ideal  whose
memory  haunts us  artists
like an exquisite  dream.


Thursday, 24 April 2014


My  post title: Self -Organised
My blog title: Horizon

Human nature  controlled by  three qualities,
Sattva  means  goodness
Rajas  means  passion and
Tamas means  illusion.

According to cha racterestics of  saatvik  person , is  pure, transparency , stability and calmness of mind, its a aura which helps to educate others.

A rajasik  person  always identified as  person of desire  for fruits  from action  and it creates a addiction to life.

A tamasik  person  live on illusion and which make him lazy  and  drowsy.

The soul , which is invisible  to materials nature, manifests through these qualities.
In  science , materials  qualities can also  be identified ,  by these natures, sattva represents, stress free life, state  , order and stability .
Rajasik represents  , motion,  energy  and excitations  and
Tamasik  represents or qualities  of matter like, chaos,  disorder , darkness , and instability.

So , our life woven with all colors of thread , its our  choice which color to be our best color for  rest of our life or  for a  period of time.
No one can escape from  COLORS OF LIFE, in science  it is termed as  self organised  .

Thanks to everyone.


Your living is determined
not  so much by what life
brings to you as  by the
attitude you bring  to life;
not  so much  by what 
happens  to you  as  hy the
way  your mind looks  at  what

Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


You look at it, but it is not
to be seen.
Its name is Formless.
You listen to it,  but it is not
to be heard;
Its name is soundless.
You grasp it, but it is not  to
be held;
Its  name  is Bodiless .
These three elude  all scrutiny
And hence they  blend and become

Tao Te  Ching 14

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


A man's value depends
upon  his courage and
resolution, his veracity
depends upon his traits
of nobility and self respect
and his chasity depends
upon his sense of honour.

Hazrat Ali

Monday, 21 April 2014


As rivers flow in to the
ocean but  cannot make
the vast  ocean overflow,
So flow the streams  of
the sense world  in to the
Sea  of peace  that is the

Bhagwad Gita  2.70

Sunday, 20 April 2014


Man is immortal; therefore  he must die endlessly.
For life is a creative idea;
It can only find  itself in changing forms.

Rabindranath Tagore

Saturday, 19 April 2014


My post title:  small minds
My blog title:  Horizon

The universe supports the spiritual  good  in ordinary  people  over the small minds.
It is  true  even  in the ordinary  context of daily life  where  small minds  exercise  a stranglehold  on others in jobs, offices and also in  religious ones.
The most important  to treat  others equally  and respect  the dignity, worth and views  of others that could  be highest peak of spirituality.

Humanity still survive  because of  the good that  continues  by  formation of chains  creat by ordinary people.
Todays world is no different  though we would like to  pretend  that we live in more  enlightened times, but that is not true, still  women are treated like doormats, your boss behave with you like a  disposable material,  remember our  disposable culture take us nowhere  and more interesting it continues  across all walks of life among all classes.

All  religion of the world speak about  equality,  but in practice  it is very different, same thing happen  people working in different  levels of siciety, like sweepers, clerks  , cleaners etc. all should treat equally  with respect and pay gratitude for their work,  somewhere  the true lesson  that we must learn  as human beings  is forgotten , due to intoxication of  ego.

After all  highs and lows  human life still survive , it  proves  that  universe always  helping them to survive.

Thanks to everyone.


We can never obtain
peace in the world, if
we  neglect the inner
world and don't make
peace with ourselves.
World  peace   must
develop  out  of  inner

The XIV Dalai  Lama

Friday, 18 April 2014


My post title: Art and  Aesthetics.
My blog title:Horizon.

When we are  saying art , it means a lot in a bigger  prospective  and it directly related to  your intention  and feeling.
What we borrowed  by intellectually  is done, but what we done by own that is our real creativity.

Their are large numbers  of people created magnificient creation  some time knowingly and unknowingly  but they are the real creator  because they  feel from inside of their own without any intellectual  property.

When ever we buy any  sort of art , once listen to your heart not  to others as a suggestion , why to regret later on?.
Every piece of art at any form  hold many secrets of life.

Remember art  is therapy and it guarded us from  different situations  of physical life, so always try to make a visit to our musuem which hold  many mystries with a learning eye not with knowing mind,  then only you discover the beauty  that is called life.

Love  Art,  try once it gives you many things .

Thanks to everyone.


Who  comes , finally comes not.
Who goes, finally  goes not. Why?
Who comes  is not  known to come.
Who goes  is not known to go.
Who  appears  is finally  not to be seen.

Holy teaching of Vimalakirti 5

Thursday, 17 April 2014


My post title:  Respect what you have.
My blog title: Horizon

A folktale   from any corner of the world teaches us many things.
Two  large mynah  birds spied  a ripe mango  hanging from a tree , the fruit was perfect to enjoy. The older bird  declared, I ever lived  longer  than you. I should  be the one  to eat  this ripe fruit with full of juices, you are old  and can learn no more, replied  the younger  mynah, I will  be in  charge  after you  are gone  so the mango should  be mine.
They are rising in  to the air , they start fighting . In the middle of this  a mother  and  father  sparrow  pecked  from the mango to feed  their large hungry family.  Flying  together back  from nest to the fruit again  and again . Finally  the children  were full  and feel asleep.

After a long fight both old and younger mynah  become tired and hungry. They turned to  look  at their  prize mango  they saw hardly  anything was left.

Remember , when we feel connected and supported by each other , we all thrive, but we all lose  out when  connection and support are not found.

Thanks to everyone.


All ideologies are idiotic,
whether religious or
political, for it is conceptual
thinking, which has  so  unfor-
tunately  divided man.

J  Krishnamurti

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Make your offering,
Said the master.
As you make it, be
pleased  in mind.
Make your mind com
pletely calm and contented.
Focus and fill the offering.
Mind with the giving.
From this severe position you
can be free from ill  will.

Sutta Nipata 506

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Many good sayings  are
to be found  in holy books
but merely  reading them
will  not make  one  religious,
One must  practise  the virtues 
taught  in such  books  in  order
to acquire  love  of God.


Monday, 14 April 2014


My post title:  peace and religion
My blig title:     Horizon

If we really want to  live a healthy , beautiful and peace loving  life then we have to maintained peace in mind, it is also necessary  to be physically, mentally  and spiritually weltuned.
It is also true , that it  is not so easy to achieve in  life ,  but we can get reed from small , small iritatations, never close your mind from learning.

To achieve peace  first we have to maintain peace within, because every minute feelings of our heart which delivered  positive energies  towards universe.
Remember hatred, ego and selfishness cannot stay with peace.

A balanced mind  is necessary  to balance the unbalanced mind of others, said by a great sage .

Peace , is the first stone to  cross  for a balanced mind and  religion .
Time to take a oath that  we all abstain from killing and violence  in the name of religion.

Understand  and follow  universal religion .
Abstain from  Dogmas.

Believe in simple  living  but with high thinking,

Thanks to everyone.


Like fruit , shaken free
by an  impatient wind
from the veils of its
mother flower , thou
comest, New  year ,
whirling  in a frantic

Rabindranath Tagore

Sunday, 13 April 2014


All fear  violence.
all are  afraid  of
Seeing  the similarity
to oneself ,
one should  not use,
violence or have it used.


Saturday, 12 April 2014


All wrong doing arises
because of mind.
If mind  is transformed
can  wrongdoing remain?

Gautama Buddha

Friday, 11 April 2014


My post title:  Happiness and you
My blog title:  Horizon

Once a group  of   100  people  were  attending a seminar. Midway  the  speaker stopped and decided to  conduct  a group  performance .
He gave every  participant a balloon. Each person  was then  asked to  write  his name  on it . Then all  the balloons  were collected  and put in other room. All the people were  then let  in to  that room  and asked to find out  their own balloon  within  five minutes. No body  comes out with their own  balloons ,  then  speaker asked  each person  to randomly  collect a balloon  and give it to the person  whose name was  written  on it, within a minutes they are successful.
Speaker , then said  This samething happening in our life,  we are all  looking for happiness all around like a mad  , not knowing  where it is.

Our happiness  lies  in the  happiness  of  other people. Give them their happiness and  believe me you get more  than what you actually gave.

This is  the purpose  of  human  life.

Thanks to everyone.


Silence  is the  inner
Mind is   the  inner
disease,  inner  distu-


Thursday, 10 April 2014


Some chapters in the book
Of life tell of tragedy, others
Of triumph.
Some chapters are dull and
Others are exciting.
The key to being a success in
life is never stop on a difficult
page, to never quit a tough
Champions have  the courage
to keep turning the pages because
they know a better chapter lies ahead.


Wednesday, 9 April 2014


My post title: Tips of stay Young
My blog title:  Horizon

We can  change to some extent of our  look by applying these simple methods in daily life, are as follows:

1.Try  everything in life  twice.

2.keep only cheerful friends.

3. Keep learning.

4. Enjoy  the simple things .

5. Laugh often, long  and loud.

6. The tears happen.

7. Surround  yourself  with what you love.

8. Cherish your  own  health .

9. Don't take guilt  trips.

10.  Tell the  people  you  love  that
         You love  them, at  every opp-


Thanks to everyone..


The idle man  bears
the accidents of  life
With dignity  and grace,
making  the best of  circu-


Tuesday, 8 April 2014


The perfect  human being is
all human being put together,
it  us a  collective, it is all of
us together  that made  perf-


Monday, 7 April 2014


My post title: Beauty and Beautiful
My blog title: Horizon

What is beauty and how we can  understand beauty?
To have the sense of goodness which comes from within  as communion (mind and heart)  with something lovely without any hindrance .
One  may be surrounded  by great  beauty  but unless  one is alive  to it  all , one might just as well be dead.

Beauty can also define by  tideness, a smile,  a graceful gesture, clarity of speech  , thoughtfulness  but  it is only as a decorative  medium not in reality.

Beauty in form , design and beauty in our life  everrything with good taste  and polished manners  , without inward  sense of  goodness  all outward gesture become superficial in life.
Remember inward  beauty  that gives us  grace, gentleness to  outward life .These things  are necessary  and they creat  a pleasant atmosphere, but my themselves  they have not  much significance.

Remember  real  beauty  within us  not in modern day beauty salon.

Thanks to everyone


Ideals are like stars; you will not
succeed in touching  them with
your hands.
But  like the seafaring man on
the desert  of waters,
You choose  them as your  guides,
and following them
You will reach  your  destiny,


Sunday, 6 April 2014


One man who  manifests
the ideal  in his life is
more  piwerful than legions
whose words can paint  it in
the most  beautiful colours
and spin out the finest  principles.

Swami Vivekananda

Saturday, 5 April 2014


My post title: Happiness within  you,
My blog title:Horizon.

According to the nature of law,  happiness  is not the greatest  good, but  struggle in  our life  is the greatest good.

Our life full of  problems , when one of us  living  with  feel good factor like by listening music, watching movies , reading books etc  actually we are trying to escape from  our problems by  using all those things as a  catalyst, but  problems still exist because you cannot stop your thinking process . 
This happiness with the help of catalyst  are only  artificial  and  unrelated to reality.  It is not possible for us to achieve happiness by this method., it only gives you a temporary  state of happiness.  Time to search for real happiness without deception.

Best way to achieve happiness forever is almost very simple, only to manage problems  rather than forget about them.

All problems which ever we faced in our journey  of life never created by us but  by our beautiful nature,  because  problems are not problems  they are challenges , when some one accept it  he always move ahead in life.

To good friends live  next to each other, one  of them  is rich and never face difficulty in life  but other friend who born with difficulties  and he ready to face it.
Rich  person  is intellectually dwarfed, but  other friend  intellectually enhanced.

Remember artifically living with happiness  one day come down but  living with reality without any catalyst it enhanced your life to live.

Thanks to everyone.


Behold the man  who shields
     his family  from all suffering.
Has not his body  become a  willing
vessel for  affliction?
Without good  men to hold  it up ,
the family  house will fall when
misfortune  descends.

Tirukkural 103:1029-1030

Friday, 4 April 2014


My post title:  Good  Company
My blog title:  Horizon

Good company  basically means  being in the  company with  truth  , but  company of  lie  or falsehood alawys take you down from your human existence.
Good company  human being emits  phenomenal  positive  energy . There is the positive  effect of  energy  when we are connected with learned  company.

On the other side bad company  reacts opposite   way of good company , it is like going from light to darkness.

Our purpose of life to go from  darkness to light always, for that we have to maintain our balance in life.

Their  is a very easy method to understand that whether  we are in  good or bad company ,  from  our daily routine work or tendency  towards life.

Remember ,  never let anyone  else  judge you,  always  your experience  and walk of life  judge you.

Thanks to everyone


For those  who may  not find
happiness to exercise
religious faith, its  okay  to
remain a radical  atheist - its
absolutely  an individual right
but the important  thing  is with
a compassionate heart--  then
no problem.


Thursday, 3 April 2014


My post title: Divine Grace
My blog title:  Horizon

Kripa , is the sanskrit word  for grace;  it is used more often in  india  than the english  word is used in the west,

Divine grace enters the body in definite ways, yogis teach us to concentrate at the point  between the eyebrows is because its where the divine light appears ,
Different yoga techniques  are simply a process of coperation with divine grace,

Supreme power gave us everything more than we deserve, it is now our duty to receive that valuable gift.
Where ever you go  everyone is seeking onething  , Happiness , this is the goal of everyone of us, to achieve that  we have to choose a path in life  because without a goal life is meaningless,

Believe in your path  what you liked to follow from inside not by others or societies because after all its your life,  remember when you are  contend from inside then only it possible.

Thanks to  everyone


Breathing in,  I calm body
and mind.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling  in the present
moment , I know  this is
the only  moment.

Thich Nhat  Hanh

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


My post title:  yourself and you
My blog title: Horizon.

Every morning  we get up  with some new plans but  everything going wrong.  That's  when  you tell  yourself that things  will get  better. There are many events in our life which upset  our routine work and mind.
That's the time not to upset but remind yourself  that your judgements  are always  right and focussed to your own goal.

Sometimes in life we are victimised by relatives, friends , boses and our colleagues , we very easily blame others  and tried to prove ourselves clean and clear, but  if we introspection will help  you to know who we are, may be we are physically strong  and matured but  subconsciously  we still live with our  emotional  atrachments.  We all  allow ourselves  to treat  us the  way they do.
We have to creat our self worthy , for that we must know our values and true definition of success.
Society places  excessive value on outward appearences  like, money,  material  possessions,  physical appearence, martial status, carrer so on, but think of the other qualities  you might possess in plenty, love, integrity, kindness, etc when defining success.

Self worth  and self esteem are important ingredients for a successful and worthy to live  comprising of true love,  joy , power , peace and a intelligent mind.
When you have built  your self worth  based on your own definition of success, you will  find other material things no longer exist for you.

We all  deserve to be treated  the way we treat others and vice versa.

If you don't respect and love  yourself first,  is like a building a house with no foundation.
Start  with changing  even the smallest  thought  and emotion  you have, then  work on changing  larger thoughts and emotions.

Self worth  comes when you accept yourself  unconditionally  and have  the feeling that you are worthy of living and attaining happiness.

Remember one thing in life , the relationship  you have with yourself is more important  than any other material things , because your relationship helps you to grow.

Thanks to everyone.


Do not race after riches,
do not risk your life for
success, or  you will  let
slip the heaven within you.

Chiang Tzu 29

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


My post title: Shock  of your Life
My blog title:  Horizon

Shock  is great educator , it  transforms our whole mindset for ever, shock can be great or small  are very common in human existence.
Most of us considered shock as a negative   energies in our life so  we  are unable to learn from them.

When any such shocking incident happens in our life  , we very easily pull down our own energies, but the truth is  its a language which nature speakes with us  ,  most of the time we denie to understand from them , but those  who saves oneself  for them can be a highly creative experience.

The greatest positive factor in  human life is  shock  , it  stimulate your mind and helps us to unfold  potential which lie within us , it helps us to take right decision at right  time .

Law of nature , explain  that life  is not a  smooth journey  , always be ready for a roller coaster  ride which help us to build strong from inside.

Remember if we want to be a good human being then we must be ready for shock  and this is called reality.

Thanks to everyone.


The wise  are wish  only
because they love,
Fools are fools  only
because  they  think
they can  understand

Paulo Coelho