Thursday, 9 January 2014


The concept of reality differ from one civilization to other but their core or heart of reality  is always constant. Today I try to discuss about that concept  , only according to me.
From VEDIC time  so they calledVEDIC PHILOSOPHY, defines  reality as "Anything that changes with respect to circumstances is not true Reality.
I tried to explain through examples and also with the help of  examines.
The deepest physical aspects of the universe to find true reality,.
The universe is made of subatomic particles and the intervening space. Subatomic particles carry  mass,  charge and energy. M-Theory which considered as the ultimate theory of modern physics., which explains that all subatomic particles  are made up of  one dimensional strings.All characters of sub atomic particles , arise from the way these strings oscillate. If they oscillate in one particular  way , we perceive electron , if in other way we perceive protons, therefore we can say the whole universe is only  a VIBRATING STINGS.
These srtings required multidimensional space in order to exist , in simple words "empty space",.
EINSTEIN'S theory of Relativity says that  even empty space is not absolute  and constant.
Einstein theory states that time flows at different rates in different physical conditions then it proved that time is not also absolute and universal.
According to vedic theory,  space and time are not true in reality.then  what?
Quantum mechanics proved that space and time have no meaning unless there is a conscious observer., here the word observer  pointed towards all of us ie  WE.
Same as  applicable to  concept of Time.Recently physicists take a stand that physical principles really do not require concept of time.
Neuroscientist say that past and future only exist as ideas in the mind, as mental events occuring  only in the present moment.  All these prove that even space and time not even basic properties of the universe, better we can say PRODUCTS OF OUR OWN MIND .
Now science does answer the question - REALITY.?
Perhaps the answer  does not exist in the physical  plane.

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