Friday, 31 January 2014


*******   ******* **
Previously word , 'harlot ' referred to man who entertained others  and had no fixed occupation,  he was perhaps a vagabond idler and a beggar and at last "male  lecher". but with time the word associated only with a woman , who gave of herself for a consideration.

The label of prostitute did not deter jesus christ from washing the feet of Mary Magdalene who sought him out for salvation and who was subsequently purged of seven sins. She came to be venerated and exalted , later she become Mother Mary.

The story of Amrapali in Buddhist lore is well known.she was a royal courtesan, one whi danced for the pleasure  of the king, she was also free to choose her lovers for she was declared the most beautiful and desirable woman.  After  she become Buddhist missionary.

*****Thanks to everyone*****


Life is balance
Between rest


Thursday, 30 January 2014


     *******  ****   ****
Death is visibly a psychological disintegration but it cannot reduce our existence to a dead end, rather it opens a different state of consciousness no longer by the limitations of the body  and mind complex.
At macro level, consciousness is considered to be the ultimate existence, from which everything and  today's quantum physics happen.

The fundamental question on consciousness after physical death has reached  to neurology, spirituality , especially Tibetan Buddhism.

The fundamental questions arise, "is consciousness depend on our physical bodies or it continue beyond death.

Who observes your body , when it lies on the table.?
What is death?
How does your identity continue beyond physical death, in the context of postmortem consciousness?

According to PIM VAN LOMMEL, observed that near death experience is an undeniable reality not confined within spiritual community but spread amongst sceptics as well.
Patients  are often able to describe precisely what happened during their cardiac arrests when the activity at their brain stem completely stopped.

Death therefore cannot mean the end of consciousness.
Consciousness is separate  from body and it survives beyond death.
During our waking state the consciousness is limited but after death is exposed  in to many more realities.

Remember Human brain does not produce or store consciousness. The brain is working as a receiver and transmitter of the working of consciousness.  All thoughts and expressions are located outside the brain in a collective consciousness field with separate individual identities respective of DNA.

WHEN we lose body we lose only the mortal substance, the real architect  our individual consciousness located in the space continues in a different state of consciousness.

*****Thanks to everyone******


It is really important that
You feel good.
The more you can feel good,
the more you will attract the
things , that help you feel good
and  that will keep bringing you
Up higher and higher.

***** JOE VITALE*****

Wednesday, 29 January 2014


            **************  *****  ************
Perception  , there is much duality with regard to what you said , when you said, why you said and most important how you said it.

We all must remember and most of us know that , whatever we utter-it is being recorded in the cosmos  , when we are child or young days elder peoples are always saying don't use bad or slang words  and think bad for others , they know  all these principles from their forefathers,  but now we understand those principles which science gifted us with new explanations,   so cosmos will try to make that happen what you want.So for the betterment of ourselves and mankind we must practice  it.
Cosmos merely records and then delivers,, if you spit upwards it will come down to us only.

Basic concepts or message is:
Whatever you speak from your  heart, wish we made the cosmos always try to make it true.

                    Whenever we are using word  emotions  is signifies  or generate  large quantities of energy, specifically when it related to your personal loss and tragedy.
We can use that energies in other way  for betterment of family and sarroundings.
Come together and creat a place which is better for all of us.

******Thanks to everyone*******


             We are what we think
              All that we are, arises
              With our thoughts.
               With our thoughts we
               Make the world.
               Speak or act with a pure
               Mind and happiness will
               follow you as your shadow,


Tuesday, 28 January 2014


       WINNING & You
We are all using a  very common phrase in our daily lifes, "I am lucky".

When things fall in to place by our clear vision , determination and motivation we accelerate our  work power, it can be happen in your family life as well as business life.

Try to strengthen your  winning attitude and a belief that you can do it, no matter what.

Take responsibility and told everyone that if things are going wrong to change , then I am only the catalyst.

Try to avoid using valuable energies in  envy, judgement and jealousy. These all negative energies transferred to creative and innovative work. Remember we live in global village so impact also global., always be open to learn from others and helps others to grow as a good deeds, when we give to others that indirectly give to yourselves and vice a versa. So every individual when contribute anything it makes a difference in his country and world.

Don't be greedy about petty things in life, keep away from negatives thoughts and colleagues , because their only intentions to pull you down to their levels,  indirectly they help us to think beyond thoughts , which is unknown to them.
Try to be transparent  and to organise your life , if you are not clear to yourself , you can't encourage others to be.

Try to remember those peoples of excellence they are all come from crowds.
We are not born with excellence,  but we creat excellence within by nurturing ourselves.

Excellence is always a habit not a act to perform.

*****Thanks to everyone********


Take my instruction
instead of silver,  and
knowledge rather than
choice gold; for wisdom
is better than jewels, and
all that you may desire
cannot compare with wisdom.

****PROVERBS 8.1-11 *****


        *****  **   *******  ***********

Religions are hard pressed to find a convincing answer to these questions (why so much suffering? ) because the existence of evil , suffering is incompatible with the omnipotent and completely benevolent notion of god.
If the creator of the universe has all positive virtues and no negative attributes then there cannot be any evil or suffering in the world.

Some theologians tried  to unsuccessfully solve the riddle  of evil by glorifying suffering.

Suffering , is not always a misfortune, it often helps us to grow. In the depths of sorrow we recive light.
These unsatisfactory answers have led  philosophers  like NIETZSCHE to reject  the conception of God  as the creator of the universe and conclude,' The christain  conception of one of the most corrupt conceptions of God arrived .'

It is also true because of the inadequacy of solutions to the problem of evil many have used  it to argue for the non-existence of God.
God is something good without limit., if God were to have existed no evil would have been encountered. But evil comes therfore,  God does not exist.

KARMA offers a satisfactory solution to the riddle of sufferings.  GOD's creative act is in conformity with the Law of Karma.His moral nature of the principle of natural justice.
God puts human beings in different positions according to their nature and Karmas.
There are three types of KARMAS:

We cannot escape karmas , live with the Negative or Pisitive outcome of these three KARMAS.
We alone and not God are responsible for the outcome.

So, now to decide which path to follow GOD  or KARMAS.

*************Thanks to everyone.*******

Monday, 27 January 2014


One should perform his
deeds for the benefit of
mankind with an unbiased
approach because bias give birth
of evil, which creates thousands of
obstacles In our path .

*****RIG VEDA****

Sunday, 26 January 2014


****    ****  **********

Our inner voice is the voice of our conscience,  when you listen to the inner voice you need not worry, but you must accept the outcome of the decision with open arms.
Remember our conscience,  always show  us what is right for us or you can say they guide us in our path.

Intuition is the voice of the unclouded heart and we can easily recognize it if we want from inside.

There is always a misconception regarding inner voice, it happens sometimes only. When we are more attentive to any thoughts ir doubts it happens suddenly only a fraction of  a second, its necessary for us to understand that inner call .

Remember nothing is accidental in this planet,  everything is preprogrammed,  but when we cannot find out the reason then
named it  as events, destiny and accidental. So listen to your call
which might willing to tell you something.

*****Thanks to everyone*****


If you cannot respect
You cannot respect
Because it is from
women you come.


Saturday, 25 January 2014


*****   ***    ********
Each day is a chance to  invest in life, a chance to renew yourself.To shed all yesterday's negative thoughts.
Be glad of life each day as it gives you a chance  to love and play.

Life moves on and if you don't stop and look at  the wonders already present in your life, you will miss life altogether.

Always think of big thoughts but relish the small joys life offers you each day.May be its a simple as smiling at someone.

Life is a sucession of moments.
Live each moments.
Life has no romance without risk.
Make things happen rather than let  things happen. Let us explain by an example,  Once a preacher called at the home of a very poor family, when he came out , he found one son admiring  his hew car, so the oreacher explained that he had  received it as a gift from his brother.

If you are not enjoying this journey , for sure you won't enjoy the destination
It is not what happens that determines  our future, but what you do about what happens that counts.

Conquer  the mind and you conquer the world. Living in the past strains your life,  have faith in yourself and you will have faith in others.

Remember , no one can make you unhappy  without your consent.Fulfill your destiny.

Forgiveness means letting go of the past.
Compassion is about stepping outside yourself.
If you really want to lead a beautiful life, then  Live like a Tree, without complaining..

Remember your life and happiness depends on your consistency.  Grief, self-pity , unhappiness  etc are only sign of inconsistency.

Learn to be free.
Learn to be Happy.
Learn to forgive yourself  and others.

Remember once you free yourself then the fear of death  will  never scare you.

*****Thanks to everyone******


A seeker of liberation
Should constantly make
his mind free of sense
objects since liberation is
predicted of a kind that
does not


Friday, 24 January 2014


           WE   CAN.........WE CAN,.......WECAN
           **       ****          **     ***            *****
In our daily life we are govern  by some mysterious force some called it  necessity of life ( without that I can't live) some  said  with grace, cheers up, did we really want it in our life to live, by doing all these things, we ultimately draining us of both energy and self respect.

Sorry, I forgot to mention  what I  liked to  named  as Addiction (I know you all know about these phenomena,  I called it phenomena,  ) we are more govern by outer world thoughts than inside call , but after today one can think once before to say cheers.

Addiction begin as normal , soothing activities but can end up numbing your feelings and leaving you drained of energy.  They can also  often have long term consequences, like  constantly unhappiness, how you look and your clothes., runaway shopping habits which  can destroy your finances, it gives you headache,  anxiety and not feeling sleepy .

Remember when any of your family members telling you, spend time more with idiot box,  online, texting  and many others symptoms,  these are all lead you to Addictions.

Now time comes we have to decide , what we actually want from life? Think about it,  whatever  result it may be but stick to it , because after all it is our life.

A easy method I liked to mention  here to get away from addiction,  try to commit yourself  in some work that  fulfill your dreams and makes you HAPPY from inside..

                                         "WE CAN   CHANGE BECAUSE THERE IS CHANCE"

Thanks to everyone. ************


So when you are listening
to somebody, , completely,
attentively, then you are
listening not only to the
words, hut also to the
feeling of what is being
conveyed, to the whole
of it, not part of it.


Thursday, 23 January 2014


People who have been holding
power since ages have always
been able to persuade everyone
that whatever is being done, is
being done for their sake.
And people believed it because
they have been trained to believe.


Wednesday, 22 January 2014


***   ***   ***   ********
Cosmic light  is the basis of all beauty. Each form of life is unique. We are the most evolved form of life with consciousness.
We  are all alike in terms of our anatomy,  feelings which we cultivate within. Every individual has a distinctive trait, a trsit which no one has ever had nor will ever have.

Many persons would be like  you, would think like you, would fo like you, but you have something in your  mind that makes different from others.You need to identify  that uniqueness in you. When we articulate that uniqueness that would be our contribution towards journey of cosmic life.
Remember we all are unique in our own way in cosmic light , this light writes the unique story of potential creativity in the mind of everyone. Every individual can perform a specific  thing which might be impossible for others to perform.

We can learn everything from books, university and now a days media plays a big role in our life.  Our unique attribute which can help you invent and unfold some mysteries which never told, that can help you construct  a new  world map .


*****Thanks to everyone******


You are what your deep,
driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is
your will.
As your will is, so is your
As your deed is , so is your

              UPANISHAD *******


*****   ***     ***

Love is the most wanted emotion  what we desire throughout  our lives , the nature or patterns of love may change  in almost different stages of life.

When we are adolescents desire love as respect and guidance.
When we are young adults desire love  in the form of sexual  intimacy.
When we grew old  the importance of love ourselves and slowly slowly inclined in to our spiritual conscience.

Love exists as an organic element,  fundamentally it takes two forms,
As an individual who is insecure  a steady relationship may satisfy his insecurity.
The other form  of love is one where an individual loves another individual being the way he is. We can compare this situation when we hold any new born baby  and experiencing empowered and powerless at the same moment.

In todays modern world  growing trend of spiritual insulation where an individual  fears forging an intimate relationship.

It is also true that , those who want to experience true love in life they are always willing to take risk.
Those who want to invest their emotions in love they always guided by themselves.

We all must remember that love is the most widespread social need so we all must take initiative to spread it in our life ,

********Thanks to everyone*****

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


No winter lasts forever,
no soring skips itsmturn.
      Knowing trees, I
Understand the meaning of
Knowing grass , I can appreciate

*****HAL BORLAND****

Monday, 20 January 2014


***    ***     ****     ****

Your soul relationship with physical body is the reflection of light upon a mirror.The light which appears in the mirror is not inside it , it comes from external source.

Soul has no gender and race.Evolution  in the life starts with the formation of embryo and it continues after death by in different form.
The reality of is that we are not pre-exist  in any form before  coming  in to this world.
Our whole life processes start when we are in all in our mothers wombs after it is born.

It's very strange in life pattern that all spiritual  develop here which is required after life.

Modern world and thoughts has taught that the capacity of the human mind is almost infinite, 
We think that very easily remember everything of previous life, that does not signify they have experienced  and existed on that situations. Our power of mind would be quite sufficient to make them believe all those situations which become reality for them.

Along with our death our life processes and spirituality never comes to end , no human life on this earth attain full power of spirituality.
So we cannot picture our life in the next  life, we all know our consciousness and personality which take us to next state and we think that world is better place to live  and if we move one step ahead then our mother's womb.

We all must remember one thing about soul that after completion our life from physical world our soul always retain  consciousness and they have power to communicate with other souls, it can happen without any geographical boundaries.


*****Thanks to everyone****


The ultimate measure of
a  man is not where he
stands in moments of
comfort and convenience.
but where  he stands at
times of challenge and


Sunday, 19 January 2014


**********  ******** ***   ***

Albert Einstein said the most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is mysticism.
If there is  desire there must be a creation, God then cannot be a creator. The universe  was created from the Big Bang , this is an accepted and proven fact by scientific community, so god has no place in creation.

Each one of us has our own perception regarding of god.There is no universally accepted view on this.

Some concepts of atheists are , primordial energy which is constant and indestructible.

If  I am a believer of god , then I don't need any proof, if I not believe in god, then no proof will convince me about god.

God as creator of the universe is at best a hypothesis, but it cannot be proven. The present thoughts within them as harmony but it not yet proved.

So, as conclusion I can say one thing without any hitch that there is something there which  we may called as "SUPREME POWER" which govern everything in every aspect.


*****Thanks to everyone******


March on . Do not tarry.
To go forward is to move
forward perfection.
March on and fear not
the thorns, or
the sharp stones on life's


Saturday, 18 January 2014


***********  ****  ****

Prayer is always a important part of our daily life .Daily prayers  can work miracles in our life, remember whatever we are saying to our supreme power by our prayers only.

Many discussion carried on above methods of prayers, but we don't need any certificate course or diploma certificate to pray to our supreme power. Any one can pray  from any place , for praying we don't need any special place or methods, it only need your mind and consciousness should be clear and calm.

All are saying pray to him or her , it is up to you whom you like to pray and which method you want to follow,  religions put words in prayers to follow , it is only your prayers you always have your own prayers within you.
The act of praying itself has the power to bring transformation within us like a magic wand.

Remember true prayer is only possible when you are totally involved with that particular situation  with faith.

Always be sincere what you are doing in your prayers
Always use best time for your prayers, never considered prayer as extra work to perform , whatever time left for you.
Supreme power never want much time or through out  the day to  sit besides him and pray,  he wants only quality time.
Whenever we pray to our supreme power always with some new demand letter, some time when wishes not come out as true  , that signify our quality time is not perfect , but when wishes comes true  we start praising our supreme power by giving sweets or other gifts, he don't  expect any thing from ous but only TRUE LOVE FROM WITHIN.

Supreme power gave us everything,  now time comes to do something good for all by a simple way , called PRAYERS.

*********  **  ************


Travel in all the four
quarters of the earth,
yet you will find nothing
Whatever there is , is
only here.


Friday, 17 January 2014


A book is like a
garden carried
In the pocket. 


Thursday, 16 January 2014


***********   *****
We are all part of the cosmos , the ultimate goal is to make life spiritually enlightened. This is an individual as well as collective goal. Anything that supports  and takes us nearer to this goal is always considered as a right path to move ahead and vice versa.

But remember one thing psychological and spirituality are the two different paths .
It is true if you are in psychological path then you never  experienced spirituality and same if you are in spiritual path then you never realize psychological reality,  if we want to realize both the path then we have to search for a middle path.

When I am saying middle path it is not any new techniques to reach a path , it's just "To develop a sense of right thing to do in life and maintain values in life". It not means that we only cling to Good things and keep away from Bad things , nothing like that at all, only we have to aware about our life purpose .
To achieve right purpose in life we can make a choice of spiritual growth with our Cosmos .

Thanks to everyone
******** **  *********


Every human being should
know two languages: the
language of society and
language of signs.
One serves  to communicate
with other people,  the other
serves to understand God's

*****PAULO  COELHO******

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


  ***   *   * * * * * * *
God and Religion are totally interrelated in every aspect..

There is a central question comes, God exists as an "objective reality"or just as.
In our religious history or epic stories mentioned different type of religious symbols,  if symbols really do point to the transcedent, they are more powerful role than mone would intially suppose.

Symbolic languages is only used for that which is beyond anything we can know or describe in this life.

All great scientists who are working still on these projects, would  only sound as if nothing was being described because no matter how stunning the universe is.

Symbols reveals something of the  working of our world.  Religious symbols can do the same work.
The description which we find in methodologies would be the same in religion science. But they come out  in different ways.

Symbolic languages can be used as road map that will take us to faithful & but not fulfill the experience that could be had.


Faith is knowledge within
the heart , beyond the
reach of proof.


Tuesday, 14 January 2014


*****    ****     **

****    ******
when we used words  or express  thankfulness anf gratitude is a feel gratitude towards the person who really deserve it.
Some one do something good and extraordinary contribution to the society at that time we pay gratitude towards them.
Gratitude is  natural and is the sincere desire in human beings to repay others for what has been  received from them.

When a person is given something without deserving or  earning it, he does not appreciate the favour.
French king Louis  XIV,
"Every time I appoint someone to a  vacant  position,  I make a hundred unhappy and one ungrateful. "

Stoic Philosopher, SENECA said,
"IT is another's fault if he  be ungrateful,  but it is mine  if I do not  give, To find one thankful man,  I will oblige  a great many that are not so",

Modern scientific research and experiment proved that , those people who practice thankfulness and pay gratitude they are more aware in life. they are more happy., they are more popular in social system and also immune from diseases.

Thanks to everyone.
*******   **  *********


Nature is God  in
a form
that  we can directly
perceive  even through
our limited senses.


Monday, 13 January 2014


*****   ** **************  **   ****     ****
FEAR , is the mother of all Gods...nature done everything for us spontaneously,  by herself without hurt of our gods.

MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND  GANDHI  says, 'The most heinous and most cruel  crimes of which history record  have been  committed undermthe cover of religion or equally noble motives'.

ALBERT EINSTEIN , had this to say, 'If people are good only because they fear punishment,  and hope formreward , then we are a sorry lot indeed'.

We are all living like a book that has talking animals,  witches, demons and wizards , some time stick turns in to snake, may we like to deny the existence of god   or fraud in the name of god.

Some sections of  people's  looks at the world objectively , fearlessly always trying to understand all things as a part of nature.

My own favorite quote I liked to mention , DALAI LAMA says,
THIS IS MY SIMPLE RELIGION, THERE IS NO NEED FOR  TEMPLES, NO NEED  FOR COMPLICATED PHILOSOPHY .Our own brain , our own heart is our temple, the philosophy is kindness."

Thanks to everyone.*********



You pray  in your distress
and in need; would that you
might also pray in the fullness
of your joy and in your days of

****KAHLIL GIBRAN*******

Sunday, 12 January 2014


*****  **  ************
Throughout life we all keep on accumulating our favorite things as a personal belongings. In quite moments of life those all  belongings become a past record with mixture of Negative and positive  for our next generation to descibe them as  good and bad days in our lives, but we are more fascinating to show good days with respect of bad days,  so our energies divided in to two parts and may some time react to our own life and also to our next generation.
Time comes to decide which belongings to be kept and which to be thrown out of home, it may not easy to perform but for the welfare of our next generation we must act on it.
Our negative thoughts belongings may sometime hold to our  and our next generation growth in life
For cleaning ourselves we all follow different methods according to our  geographical boundaries,  but  what we do for our inner thoughts cleaning?
Time to wake up and clean ourselves from within  are more important than cleaning outer world, when we clean from inside we attract postive thoughts and our positive belongings first.
Remember every time we pay attention to our belongings it creat a existence that is unreal. Any thought, feeling, idea  is always a destraction, even in religious practice according to our geographical boundaries we chant a particular word every time  or repeat it.
As soon  as we  distraction happen it starts emitting negative energies in to our  unconscious mind.
Leave your baggage with full of negativity  to nature and inhale positive energies from our mother earth to LIVE A LIFE  WITHOUT BAGGAGE.

Thanks to everyone.


Spirituality is not just for
the elderly,  but is a way of
leading a happy, healthy and
mindful life.

***** S.G.********

Saturday, 11 January 2014


******  ****   ****
Its my long observation  that there is a difference between a person consciousness about worked and that person who we called worshipper of GOD.
The person  who wants to live for himself  and thinks  "what is for me'? but on the other hand a  devotee  thinks,"what  god wants?"  When  conscious person do something which take him outside  himself,  but a devotee  always try to remember who he is from inside.whatever we do every day always remembered and cultivate awarness within and  draw your mind within.  Practice this simple method everyday, may  it take you to a blissful nature.
Never try to do or practice anything which is not acceptable by your heart , because after all when heart responds whole body  responds  eg, you can meditate under a big master  but whatever you  do through eyes of master both inward and outward .
Try to be with everyone one but never detached yourself from your own bliss, try  to attached  yourself with those peoples who bring you more into impersonal consciousness and more towards this inwardness.
Remember , we are  only a child of the infinite.
Never think that your limited  in life, All what we are doing  make mistake and we also overcome it, but these are all  seeds which bring flowers on day in our garden.

Thanks to everyone.


He , who wants to
expand the field of
Happiness,  let him lay
the foundation of it on
the bottom of his heart.

***Tract of the Quiet way****

Friday, 10 January 2014


In my last post I discussed about TRUE REALITY, today I liked to discuss about  Human Sufferings .
Science has no answers  regarding True Reality, did they have any answers  regarding Human sufferings?
Vedic and Buddhist philosophies  explained Suffering, is a result of ignorance of true reality.
Lets focusing on creative imagination,  so we can  easily understand that a level  of conditioning is completely involved in all of them,
It is also said that only these Vasanas or conditions often result in sufferings.
Recent neuroscientific studies revealed that when a person accumulates  experience there is a strong growth of  synaptic  connections in the brain,  which is nothing but growth  of conditional  part of mind. If any body drop all these Synaptic connections (Vasanas), one may get answers to all these questions and also very easily get relief from all  types of sufferings.


The great secret of
true sucess , of true
happiness, is this ;
the man or woman
Who asks for no return,
the perfectly unselfish
person, is the most


Thursday, 9 January 2014


The concept of reality differ from one civilization to other but their core or heart of reality  is always constant. Today I try to discuss about that concept  , only according to me.
From VEDIC time  so they calledVEDIC PHILOSOPHY, defines  reality as "Anything that changes with respect to circumstances is not true Reality.
I tried to explain through examples and also with the help of  examines.
The deepest physical aspects of the universe to find true reality,.
The universe is made of subatomic particles and the intervening space. Subatomic particles carry  mass,  charge and energy. M-Theory which considered as the ultimate theory of modern physics., which explains that all subatomic particles  are made up of  one dimensional strings.All characters of sub atomic particles , arise from the way these strings oscillate. If they oscillate in one particular  way , we perceive electron , if in other way we perceive protons, therefore we can say the whole universe is only  a VIBRATING STINGS.
These srtings required multidimensional space in order to exist , in simple words "empty space",.
EINSTEIN'S theory of Relativity says that  even empty space is not absolute  and constant.
Einstein theory states that time flows at different rates in different physical conditions then it proved that time is not also absolute and universal.
According to vedic theory,  space and time are not true in reality.then  what?
Quantum mechanics proved that space and time have no meaning unless there is a conscious observer., here the word observer  pointed towards all of us ie  WE.
Same as  applicable to  concept of Time.Recently physicists take a stand that physical principles really do not require concept of time.
Neuroscientist say that past and future only exist as ideas in the mind, as mental events occuring  only in the present moment.  All these prove that even space and time not even basic properties of the universe, better we can say PRODUCTS OF OUR OWN MIND .
Now science does answer the question - REALITY.?
Perhaps the answer  does not exist in the physical  plane.


Our goals can only be
reached through a vehicle
Of a plan, in which we must
fervently believe, and upon
which we must vigorously
There is no other route
to success.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


The brain is one of God's marvellous  works.  To save itself from injury , it can go in to sleep mode and we say we are healed.
However memories remain in the recycle bin.
If you are physically busy and get tired at the end of the day , we can very easily went to sleep , it not matters what happen in outer worlds.
To carry the past and  for how long , it depends on individual life.It depends on how much a glass of water will weigh when we hold it in our hands.The longer of duration,   it only increaes stress in our life.
Always try to develop a frame of mind that helps you think of past happy moments not  pain of  past.

****Thanks to everyone*****


There are very deep and
restrictive principles that
determine the nature of
human language and are
rooted in the specific char-
acter of the human mind.


Tuesday, 7 January 2014


Purpose of life is happiness. All of us strive for it.Different people have different definitions of Happiness but ultimately we all want same thing. Hence to make happy yourself by experience which is facilitated by the body through different senses.
Experience is influenced with the brain absorbing information from the senses through neural pathways to form memories.
Since the brains information absorption capacity is the maximum in childhood. By guiding children in the art  of thinking, their minds will remain supple and help throughout life.
The large number of neurons in the human brain about 100 billion,  which helps to intake of information and hence experience.
There may be other reason that universal consciousness can only experience through bodies of living beings so they may experience more than other living beings.

Thanks to everyone. *******


All human beings are
the reflection of one
and the same Lord.
Recognize ye the whole
human race as one.


Monday, 6 January 2014


In todays modern world (what we claim) we all using a very personal word  most of the time is called "SELF".
The word self has become so insecure and is sarrounded by so much fear that most of the time in our daily life we are too stressed out  and most sad part that we slowly lost our relations with our  neighbors,  families and friends.
Time to come out from word or shell  "SELF"  to do  something for societies and for others.
We are most conscious being on this planet , so never crushed your conscience.
We are all searching for  HAPPINESS , then HAPPINESS  start searching for you.
We are all in deep sleep,  WAKE UP BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

Thanks to everyone.


If you want to grow in
Divine love, you have
to  drop the pride and
artificial walls build
between ourselves and
Through these walls,  we
keep judging others, and
we think others are judging


Sunday, 5 January 2014


Wisdom and you.
Some said God, Allah and so on but I said supreme power who creat everything then and now , he sends down everyone with definite purpose.But we don't realize it when we commit mistakes because of ignorance.
But with time we develop wisdom, confidence,  and try to improve upon our mistakes. It helps us to know about true purpose of life.
Wisdom can be acquired by life experiences.
At last all wisdoms and events of mistakes lead us towards the path of spirituality.
Never think life is a mistake but a book which only said and written by your own thoughts.