Thursday, 20 February 2014


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In the 20th century great  changes took place as  result of  experiments and developments in a broad  range  of human activities in politics, science & economics.

The past hundred years experiences have made  us appreciate the importance of freedom,  and the significant  contributions of individual and  private  enterprise in improving the economy .
We also began  to recognize the importance of putting  a stop to the production of weapons and weapins of tremendous destructive power.

From  the 20th to the 21st  centuries  there have been positive developments in human thinking and our approach to problems.

It was thought that human happiness could  only be achieved through physical satisfaction.  Tremendous  human energy  was directed  in to material development. More  people are recognizing the need to employ non-violence , to work  for peace and protection  of the natural environment.
It  is necessary to work on non-violence  and inner developments from within. The time is perfect  for every religious  traditions to preach compassion,  tolerence and self discipline.

This is also true that our different religious traditions have an important role to play  and there should  be good  understanding  among the different  religious traditions  of the world.

Buddhism 25, 000 year old  Dharma has a special role to play  because Buddhism  uniquely  said the concept  of  interdependence which accords closely  with the fundamental notions of modern science.

All  Buddhist scriptures  preserved  in pali (language)  as their  source  and those  who look to the sanskrit  tradition. This sanskrit  tradition is a crucial  part of our Buddhist  heritage,
Sanskrit  tradition  reached its zenith at the renowed  ancient  university of Nalanda for philosophy and logic.

In future we need to encourage an exchange of knowledge and experience among our different traditions.

I believe the teachings of Buddha could lead  not only to innear peace  of individuals but also to nations,

Thanks to everyone.*****

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