Friday, 28 February 2014


My post title: what you have it in you.
My blog title :  Horizon.

As we grow up  maturity comes  and are clearer  about the meaning and purpose  of our lives, we start realising  that more likely the positive statements  we have heard others  made  of us like,
You have enormous capacity  to give  of yourself.
You have a big heart .
You always reach out to others, these are more likely closer to the truth.

By all this appreciation  have to  learn  to not  react  to put down  by not letting them  touch  our souls. Its not a very easy process  but instead of absorbing  negative  comments and feeling bitter and resentful  about them, to correct them  and never entertain  them in our minds, if we hold them within our minds then it creates even greater rifts and divides people.
Appreciation  heals division , it builds bridges and adds to our  inner strengths, it help us with self -affirmation.,, it creates positive vibrations within us.
Once we start realizing  then it does not matter for us.
We will continue to do  good wherever  we can and whenever we can.

Trouble starts when we begin to feel judgemental, we can observe others and merely  observe them and never judge them finally.
We are to be good citizens  of our lives, in which we walk,  talk  with and encounter others.

Go Ahead in  Life  And  Know  What You Have Within You.

Thanks to everyone.***********


Modern science  is the
manifestation  of  real
religious  spirit  for it
seeks  to understand
the truth by sincere


Thursday, 27 February 2014


MY  post title :  YOU DECIDE
My  blog title :   HORIZON

There is  a lot of science  in all of our religious  texts, written in  different  ways.
The begining  of modern  science  started from  our churches,  whereas , alchemy started from the vedas.
Whichever  religion  or scripture we  follow, we think it explains  the physical  world  best. Then our faith starts  getting stronger  and we start trying to expkain  everything logically.
The truth is that all holy books were written  by learned and wise people  they knew science too.

Not only just bible , but our own scriptures too contain  both spiritual and scientific knowkedge , we can mention different examples  from vedas.

According to my  vision,  we never try to mix  science and scriptures  because, science is for outerworld  or physical world, while our scriptures  are  for our  inner journey.
Truth is one and both science and spirituality  pursue  this truth. There are no contradictions  between them.

According to my view , science  is an exercise  of the intellect , the brain  and the mind.
Spiritual journey , always considered as a never ending journey connected with both worlds  outer and inner world.

Thanks to every one.*********


The more science  I studied ,
the  more I saw that physics
becomes metaphysics and
numbers become  imaginary
The further  you  go in to 
Science , the mushier the
ground  gets. You start to
say,"Oh , there is an order-
and spiritual  aspect to -

****DAN  BROWN*******

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


My post title: Taste of Life
My blog title:  Horizon

The original  cosmic lingam  an ellipsoid around which the rest of the universe rotates, its just only believed.
The dance of creative bliss  is said to have been  performed by shiva.

The persona of shiva, where different attributes  complement each other.His all  compassion and love for devas  and asuras  alike, without making any differences  between the two,  reveals a being  with creation  not s destroyer.
According to me  Lord shiva , seeks to  destroy is the negativity and baser elements of human nature.

The philosophy of shaiva  siddhanta,  with its formulation of three  eternal  entities ,

The shaiva siddhanta  states that God is one,
The shaiva siddhanta states the soul are many
Bondage  happens because  of three  impurities , which cause negativity  of soul , karma , the law of  action  and reaction  and maya all are material compound.
Maya  is real according to shaiva siddhanta,  not an illusion as in vedanta.

Shiva 's grace helps us between the nirakara aspect  of the self  and the dynamic aspect  of the self's energy  .

Thanks to everyone * * * * * * * * *


You are  only  afraid
If you are not in that
harmony  with  yourself.


Tuesday, 25 February 2014


My post title: HABIT TO THINK
My blog name: HORIZON

Judge our experiences through the filter of habitual thinking.In other words,  we are unconsciously driven by how we think, and how we think determines the feelings and opinions we develop  toward people  , objects and situations.
Such opinions and perceptions only distort reality and  unfortunately , we can't help out but interpret  reality  through  self centered thinking eg., when we find ourselves in an unsatisfactory situation , we feel angry, we can't help it. We characterise the experience as bad. But each thought we have also presents an opportunity for change, since every thought is independent and rootless.

Each  thought arises and dissolves simultaneously. Regardless of what the prior  thought might have been, the potential for the  next thought  is unlimited  It can turn toward an infinite numbers of possible directions and destinations,  because a free mind does not  have to  hold  on a particular trajectory in its thought movement,  nor do thoughts have to follow one another in a fixed pattern.  Only due to  the habitual  mental  tendency , does our mind  functioning  became  set on a certain  predetermined path.

Thanks to everyone.********


Be humble , be harmless.
Have no pretension.
Be upright , for bearing,
serve your teacher  in true
Aware  of the weakness  in
mortal nature.

BHAGAWAD GITA 13.7*******

Monday, 24 February 2014


Life is one big  road with
lots of signs, so when you
are riding through the ruts,
dont complicate  your mind.
Flee  from hate , mischief and
Don't bury your thoughts .
Put your vision to reality .
Wake up and live.


Sunday, 23 February 2014




Human life is short, and we can't extend it beyond the hours allotted to us.
What we can do is remember,  what the second hand on any clock tells us  every second  of every day, the moment is passing by whether we all notice or not.
Whether or not we spend our life, it will be spent.

We can awaken  to awakening,  or not.
We can observe more, or not.
We can see more  in what we see.
We can hear more in what we hear.
We can feel more in what we feel or not.

We can be and become more human before being  human is no longer an option and human purpose.

Rest on  us , how we accept our life to be?

Thanks to everyone.● ● ● ● ●

FROM NEXT MONDAY ONWARDS I AM COMING UP WITH A NEW BLOG. *************************************************************************



Science  is not only compatible
with  spirituality, it is profound
source  of spirituality.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Saturday, 22 February 2014


*****  ****  **  ****

Life is a great mystery , it is vast and  limitless. We cannot limited  by shallow thinking. We have to learn , how to observe life , all are bounded by limitations.
To be  childish is to be ignorant  like a child and to be child like  is to be innocent like a child.

We can learn how to look,
                        how to see
and  how  to engage  ourselves within the seeing. A child is always innocent. Eg, when we are busy to admire any particular things in life, what we actually do, we don't  actually see that particular thing, we pollutes  the perception with strong likes and dislikes,  when this  happen , by one's likes and dislikes  and not  actually  on the that particular thing.

Hence your seeing is influenced by your background.  The experience of the external world   is a product of your mind.

From child to old age we constantly learning something by book's,  school  , colleges etc so there is a constant struggle within us to know something , from past and tried to fit present within past,  so our perception is not free.  Still what we know  and learn is dictated  by our knowledge.  Keep child like perception is freeing oneself  from all vanities.
A child  never   perceive  any image  and its  innocence  comes to touch with the object, so there is no struggle of validation.
A  child  is always  pure, sensitivity and not sentimental.

You can touch others  hearts by your sensitivity very easily , so try to  LIVE A LIFE LIKE A CHILD.

Thanks to everyone.******


Many good  sayings are to
be found  in holy books, but
merely reading them will not
make one religious.
One must practice the virtues
taught in such books in order
to acquire love of God.


Friday, 21 February 2014


   ****** ****  ****
Now a days we are all  busy to be a spiritual person by hook or cook by downloading spiritual e- books, videos and  cds and many more things thanks to electronic media.
Why we are doing all these things, to know or to follow a path that  will feel is right for us. But sometime we get  stuck  in midway of spiritual path.

The creator did not creat  specific paths to reach him. He made things very simple,  but we all complicated them.By our geographical boundaries we categorised  different methods and techniques  and our utmost try to fit ourselves in to one of them.

Some want to be KARMA JOGIS.
Some want to be JANANIS.

Remember your path  is your body composition,  your inner personality and your timings in the  journey of your life.
Most important your heart  and that needs to open up, irrespective of the path you follow.

Nothing is small or big , we can seek guidance from anybody who is already accepted by your heart.

A true master never hold you  he always encourage you to come up in life and cross all boundaries and also transform others, but in today's world it is very difficult to find those masters, they can never liked to be known by others, they perform their good deeds in silence.


Thanks to everyone. * * * * * * * *


Self knowledge is not a thing
to be bought in books , nor is
it  the outcome of a long painful
practice and discipliner, but  it
Is awarness from moment to


Thursday, 20 February 2014


************   *****  ****  *****
In the 20th century great  changes took place as  result of  experiments and developments in a broad  range  of human activities in politics, science & economics.

The past hundred years experiences have made  us appreciate the importance of freedom,  and the significant  contributions of individual and  private  enterprise in improving the economy .
We also began  to recognize the importance of putting  a stop to the production of weapons and weapins of tremendous destructive power.

From  the 20th to the 21st  centuries  there have been positive developments in human thinking and our approach to problems.

It was thought that human happiness could  only be achieved through physical satisfaction.  Tremendous  human energy  was directed  in to material development. More  people are recognizing the need to employ non-violence , to work  for peace and protection  of the natural environment.
It  is necessary to work on non-violence  and inner developments from within. The time is perfect  for every religious  traditions to preach compassion,  tolerence and self discipline.

This is also true that our different religious traditions have an important role to play  and there should  be good  understanding  among the different  religious traditions  of the world.

Buddhism 25, 000 year old  Dharma has a special role to play  because Buddhism  uniquely  said the concept  of  interdependence which accords closely  with the fundamental notions of modern science.

All  Buddhist scriptures  preserved  in pali (language)  as their  source  and those  who look to the sanskrit  tradition. This sanskrit  tradition is a crucial  part of our Buddhist  heritage,
Sanskrit  tradition  reached its zenith at the renowed  ancient  university of Nalanda for philosophy and logic.

In future we need to encourage an exchange of knowledge and experience among our different traditions.

I believe the teachings of Buddha could lead  not only to innear peace  of individuals but also to nations,

Thanks to everyone.*****


The way to establish a relationship
with spirit and access the power of
this creating principle  is to continu
ously contemplate yourself as being
      Surrounded by the conditions
              You wish to produce.

WAYNE  DYER   *************

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


****      *******  ***    ****

I liked to explained the whole thing in a different way, may somone already knows, but I liked to say something.

Time is nothing but a collection of memories over  a human life span.If we confine time  to a mere reference of incidents that  we all experience in our life.
Time has existed before our evolution in this universe and it will remain after us or too.Its a whole process  which is never ending .

Time does heal because,  with time feelings related to the hurt  recede in to the background,  most of the time it happens unknowingly.
The healing happens because  we very easily get involved in other activities and even  if you want to stick to those thoughts of hurts, we are not able to realize that.

Time  will help you forget  and we will busy ourselves in other things.We can heal ourselves with awarness and understanding and if  some other situations arise,   then it  will be act as a catalyst  and start suffering once again.

Try to develop  a good mind  with collection of GOOD THOUGHTS.

Thanks to everyone.******


The happiest people
do not necessarily have
the best things.
They simply appreciate
the things they have .
Choose a simpler and
smarter way to live.

(Some one)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


*****DREAMS  AND  YOU*****

We all don't want to live an ordinary life.
We all want  an extraordinary  life , for me being extraordinary means using my  creative mind to translate my own experiences in to words that will  help others  became the best they can be.

To follow that path  of life from my dreams:
1.Negative discussion. (Avoid)
2 . Don't argue with  your critics.
3. Don't be afraid  to ask for advice.
4. Trust your intuition.
5. Dare to fail.
6. It is all about perspective.
7. Replace the word"MAY BE" with"MUST".
8. Embrace  stillness.
9. Trust  the power of  your authenticity.
10. Be patient  in life,

I liked to quote some lines fromDr.WAYNE DYER says,:
" When you change the way look at things
   the things you look at change".

Thanks to everyone.*******


It is really important
that  you feel good.
The more you can feel
good, the more you will
attract the things that help
you feel good and that will
keep  bringing you up higher
and  higher.

JOE VITALE***********

Monday, 17 February 2014


*******  *****  *********   *****

The most misunderstood concept  in spiritual world is Desire.

Kama, or desire  has a place min Hindu philosophy. Desire  is that glorious spark of energy that helps to light up dormant dreams.
The world itself  was born  of desire , in the Rig veda  Hymn of  creation, we come to know  how the great unknown , mysterious one felt the first impulse of desire.

If any one , desireless it implies a state  where there  is no movement towards growth or realisation.
I never considered a Desire person  is wrong. When your  desire coupled  with greed  and selfishness that is bad.
The refinement  and thoughts process of  pure desire  is the seed of all new beginings and it also a creative mind.
We need to welcome  pure desires of creative impulse  and spiritual  refinement.

Desire , is the cosmology of tantra.
In stream of desire thought  whole universe vibrates  every creation to his beat.
Creation is understood  in explicitly sexual  terms as the attraction  between  the male and female .

Love is the highest energy formed ever found on this universe .
The sensual  love is scared too. The love making  is merely a physical outcomes of that energy  which is within  everyone of us.
Even physical lovemaking  is nothing short  of god and goddess coming together  in joyous union.

Our success lies within refinement and elevation of desire.

Thanks to everyone.********


O Beloved, take me,
Liberate my soul.
Fill me with your Love
and  release me from
the two worlds.
If  I set my heart on
anything but you let fire
burn me from inside.


Sunday, 16 February 2014


******   ****   ******
There is one big problem the older generation is facing today,  children are not dependent on them, you can't tell  them what to do and what not to do, you can't ge their masters.

It is true first time in history older generation is feeling  empty and meaningless. Parents are now feeling guilty, afraid that they may he destroying the children?
Whatever  they  are  doing  may not be the right thing.

Parents  destroy the intelligence  of children because that is the way to enslave them , follow teachers, school , colleges etc.

Remember nobody wants rebel and intelligence is direct consequence of intelligence
Nobody  wants to questioned  and intelligence is questioning.  Intelligence is a pure doubt and from this  doubt  one day arises trust, but not against doubt,  it arises only through doubt.

Trust  comes out of doubt as a child comes out of  the mother's womb..
Doubt is the mother of trust. Real trust  comes only through  doubt.
False trust ,  which we know  as belief  , comes  by killing doubt  and destroying   all quest,  enquiry,  search by giving  people readymade truths.

Every children born with pure intelligence but we have not yet been able to respect it.
Children are the most  exploited class in the world , even more than women,
Man has enslaved  woman and   both have enslaved  children. And because the child is helpless.  I am not saying that deliberately or consciously they have been so,  almost unconsciously , not  knowing what they are doing.

Remember , this is the first generation which is trying to escape out of the trap and this is the beginning of a totally new history.




Transformation can only
take place immediately;
the revolution is now,
       not tomorrow.


Saturday, 15 February 2014


*******   **   ****    ****   ****

Thoughts which are uncontrolled are the roots of  all evils. Each thought by itself  is extremely weak, because our mind  is always distracted by countless  and ever- varying thoughts.

The more the  thoughts are restrained , the more is the mind  concentrated . It demands patient work to destroy  mean and
base thoughts.
Ignorant of the laws of thoughts the worldly minded individual falls a prey to all sorts of thoughts - anger, revenge, lust and become weak willed.

The best method of gaining mental powe  is by  entertaining sublime,  noble and good  thoughts.

When all evil thoughts harasses the mind , the best method of conquering it is by ignoring it.
How  can we ignore an evil thoughts?
By simply forgetting it.

How can we forget it?
By  not indulging in it again.

How can we prevent  the mind from indulging in it again?
By thinking of something very  interesting, something sublime and inspiring.


Thanks to everyone.


Every single second is an
Opportunity to change your
Because in any moment you
Can  change the way you feel.


Friday, 14 February 2014


******   ****   ****

We all directly or indirectly believe in some powers , some called it God, Jesus, Allah  and I called it supreme power.

To feel your God or supreme power we must extend the territory  of  feeling itself from heart. At present moment  you feel  only with your own heart.

Try everyday  to feel  more  and more  also with the hearts of others, feel their joys, their struggles, their woes and their fulfillments.
To feel  the hearts  of others means  that  you must remain not only for yourself,  but to work , spend time for others , to love and protect them with same interest as you feel for yourself,

Try to love others actively by helping  them every day,  especially those who love you. Transform  your feelings  day by day  with bigger circle with active mode , they don't required our passive or sentimental mode.

****Thanks to everyone*****


The secret of  health for
both mind and body is
not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about the future,
or not to anticipate troubles,
but to live in the present moment
wisely  and earnestly.


Thursday, 13 February 2014


****** **  ************

Love is  always beautiful in the begining because you don't bring your destuctive energies  in to it,  you bring  only positive energies in to it.Things go simply fantastically. But then , by and by, negative energies will start overflowing,  you cannot  hold them back forever.
The positive is just a small quantity, so within days , it all overs and then comes the negative.

One cannot understand what has happened. Such a beautiful relationship become rocks?

If  one is alert from the very beginning,  it can be start pouring your positive energies in to it, but remember that sooner or later , the negative will start coming in. Go in to a room , release the negative energy,  never try to throw it on the other person.
If you remain alert, you will be surprised to see  that it can be done and once the negative energy is released,  again the positive is overflowing.

When  two partners  become alert, postive  have become consolidated as one being  and are  able  now to tolerate and  also use the other's negativity. ( negative energies  can be released by different forms of therapies, or  you can express through shouting , scream  alone within a closed doors)

The first step , the negative should be released  alone.
The second step the negative  should be released at a particular  time  both
The third step  only one should become  natural and then there is no need to be afraid.
Then  both the energies are beautiful.

A moment will come when again  you will find that  this deliberate negativity does not affect  any more.

Now you are with a NEW LIFE, both  negative and positive  , you can be spontaneous.


How  did it happen that their lips
come together?
How does it happen that birds sing,
that snow melts, that the rose unfolds,
that the  dawn whitens the stark shapes
of  trees on the quivering summit of the
A kiss, and  all  was said.

****VICTOR HUGO*****


Wednesday, 12 February 2014


************   ***   *****
Our mind has primarily two qualities
1, Thinking

Thoughts are also of various types:
1 . Thoughts regarding the existing  environment.
2 . Thoughts regarding past environment.
3 . Thoughts without any environment
4.Fanastic thoughts.

1.category of thoughts relates to environment in which one  is  living, eg, grass, earth , plants ,stones  and friends.

2 category is thoughts of past environment , eg, A rich man faces difficulty to eat  stale food, then naturally he  thinks about delicious food at home.

3 category is having no environment,  eg,  when someone is in a  disagreeable situation,  passing his days in great  suffering,  then  he creat imaginary balloons in his mental sky, his mind starts glimmering.

4  category thought which we may call  , fantastic thoughts.
      Remember, the substance of any thought is not obsolete from the
      real world, whatever we see in imagination or think  are materials of
      these thoughts are all collected from the external world.
Person cannot think of anything which they have not previously seen or perceived with their sense organs. This is  the greatest draw backs of human civilization or human mind.

All thoughts of the macrocosm are original, each one is constantly new.The macrocosm does not need to receive anything from the external world through our sense organs.  No two human faces are exactly the same, no two entities are identical  in any respect. There are no identical  entities anywhere in this planet.They may be similar,  but not identical.

Mankind , blending all of  these  creat an altogether  new entity in their mind, that is called ,"fantastic thought". Eg. Those who want lots of wealth  and  without any hard work , imaginee goddess  who will  bestow wealth on them.

People cannot think an original  thought, they cannot think of anything which doesn't actually exist  in the fundamental world. Only one supreme power can do so, people creat imaginary idols out of fear , greed  , none of those is original and even none has even existence,  much less material  existence.

Only  supreme power  is truth, rest are only imaginations of human mind.

**Thanks to everyone****


Cooperation is the
thorough conviction that
nobody can get there unless
everybody gets there.

Virginia Burden       ***********
The  process of intuition. ********

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


There is something beyond
our mind which abides in
silence with in our mind.
It is the supreme mystery
beyond thought.
Let your mind and subtle
body rest upon that and
not on  anything else.


Monday, 10 February 2014


**********     , ********   **  *****  *  ***************
A woman  received call that her daughter was sick.she stopped  by the pharmacy to get medication,  got back to her car and found that she  had locked her keys inside. The woman found a hanger on the ground,  she didn't know, how to use it. She bowed her head and asked God  to send her  some help. Within  five minutes,  a beat up old motorcycle pulled up.A bearded man got off  his motorcycle and asked  if he could help.She said,  yes my daughter is sick, I've looked  my keys in my car. Can you use this hanger to unlock  my car? He  walked over to the car , and in less than a minute,  the car door opened.  She hugged the man and said, "Thank you so much, you are a nice man".  The man replied ,"Lady  I ain't nice.I just got out of prison  yesterday where I was  held  for car  theft".
The woman hugged the man again , saying ,"Oh  thank you, God!.

Thanks to everyone.


I have often noticed that
when chickens quit quarrelling
over their food they often find that
there is enough for all of them.
I wonder if it might
not be the same with
the human race.

****DON MARQUIS*****

Sunday, 9 February 2014


***************  *******
When I was studying for my elementary
course, I had an elderly lady living alone,
for a neighbour.
She was totally helples though financially
sound.  Out of fear , she never appointed any
paid helping hand..
One day , I offered to help her out in her errands,
purchases and general upkeep of her house, but
on one condition,  that she did not corrupt me
with payment in cash or kind.
The happiness I saw in her face  and the affection
and care she bestowed  on me still just like a event
which happened to me a day before. Though I  am
Still there now, I still volunteer to serve others in
need, to bring a smile to their faces.
The elderly lady I helped  during my childhood
forever inspires me.

***Thanks to everyone*****


**************  *****

Your love lifts my soul
from the body to the soul.
And you lift me up out
Of the two worlds.
I want you sun
to reach my  raindrops.
So your heart can raise my soul
   Upward  like a cloud.


Saturday, 8 February 2014


***** ***    ******** **   *********

We all are used to drinking tea or coffee according to geographical positions every morning,  then even though you are not born with tea or coffee but we all begun a habit  within us that created a craving. How all this started? Remember drinking tea and coffee didn't happen in one day. This is called Addiction,  which starts with a repeated  experience of a particular object. Sometimes it becomes a habit  or nature of habits is that it does not give you joy and pain.

Any repeated  experience of a particular object  it creates a sensation of more.
Craving begins by putting your attention in the nervous system, next level come desire and with it comes Anger.
Whenever a person get angry , behind the screen  is desire,  so you get angry.
The next very important step is attachment, when you get angry  on anybody  but later you will regret. Regret begins with attachment, by doing regret you can't escape from that person or situations , you move more in to it.
When ever we get angry or hate someone,  we start thinking about that person or situations more than yourself?

If you  think of someone you  love, your obsession brings anger which slowly turns in  and become Entanglement. Entanglement creates clouds intellect, your wisdom and judgement are lost,  you are not capable to asses the situations is lost. Remember a distorted intellect  doesn't let you be in peace,  with clouded memory pleasant things  is lost.

Life has two sets of memories,
1. Memories of pleasant  things
2. Memories of unpleasant things.
Children  often have pleasant memories,  thatmis why they are so cheerful . But as we grow up  and loose our innocence, slowly , slowly our unpleasant memories increased.

Spiritual practices help bring back pleasant memories more and more in place of unpleasant memories.  Once the memory comes to new processes  then we start feeling ,  energetic and rich.

Remember wherever you direct your attention,  it will start manifesting in your life.

Always observe good intentions in life which help us and others to grow.

*****Thanks to everyone*****


What you radiate  outward
in your thoughts,  feelings,
mental pictures and words,
you attract  in to your life.


Friday, 7 February 2014


****  *****   *****

In life , many a times, things do not move the way we want.

Many among us struggle with bad times& wonder what we ever done to deserve this.
Nothing happen to us without reasoned , seeing things from  spiritual perspective helps us deal with the situation better.

If you find something adverse going on in your life, it might be because of a KARMIC DEBT.  We also accumulate karmic debts by not  making use of  our resources and capabilities.
We  do not  generate  enough energy to get things done, the way we
want. All  of us have been blessed with some asset or other., it could be wealth, skills or special abilities.

If we receive something from the universe but don't bother to share  with others or give back to society,  we create debts, if we are not able to progress in life, there  might be a hidden messages that life is trying to give. That means  we need to learn something before we manifest some goodness in our life.

What we NEED:
1. ACCOUNTABILITY:  Being accountable means focussing on innerchange. It leads to clear thinking .Then we know exactly  what needs to be done. Our mind then chooses the right action at the right time.
2.GRATITUDE:It has magical powers being grateful for our assets allow
                           us to make proper use of them.It is an acknowledgment
                           of all that has been bestowed on us.
                           Once we acknowledge that,  using it for the welfare of
                         others comes more naturally to us.


****Thanks to everyone*****



Life is one big road with
lots of signs.
So when  you're riding
through the ruts , don't
complicate your mind.
Flee from hate, mischief
and jealousy.
Don't bury your thoughts;
put your vision to reality.
Wake up and live.

****BOB MARLEY*****

Thursday, 6 February 2014


********  **   ***    *****
Every one of us is preprogrammed,  in accordance with the culture,  family , society or religion  we are  born in to and grow up with.

Most of us are indifferent to the  fact that we operate with little awarness, so we end up living in a self made prison.

If we observe our life very closely,  then we find that you are not one'I' but multiple'I' s.
There is an " I "that supports you and  anothet  "I"  that pulls you down.we all must learn to de-identify  from the negative "I" , and invite the positive"I".

If our thoughts  and  attitudes are negative,  a  negative system takes control of our life, developes its own survival mechanism and we become slaves of that system.

The art of wise living  is to dismantle the negative system from our lives.Negative , ignorant, addictive, narrow, foolish "I"s eat our life forces.some "I" in us are our friends and some our enemies. To know them is our duty and de-identify ourselves  with the negative "I"s is called 'inner seperation'.

Learn to be in association with the conscious humanity and not the sleeping humanity. A new "will" will be created .A new meaning will emerge.

Live like a Bee , which goes from one flower to another,  savouring the nectar from each of them, A fly , on  the other hand  , sits  on garbage  and then flies to a sweet meat shop and again to gutter  and back to the rose garden. The fly is always a good example  between goodness and toxin.

To be like a fly is to indulge in negativities like anger, hatred and jealousies and then visiting the temples , churches and shrines for prayer.

Just think once, whom you are cheating?

******Thanks to everyone ******


Who are you to judge
      the life I live?.
I know I'm not perfect
and I don't live to be....
but before you start
pointing  fingers. .....
make  sure your
hands  are clean.

****BOB MARLEY****
      (6/2/45 - 11/5/81)

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


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When we are using words destruction,  it means not only outward destruction of  trees, men and aeroplanes, but also our inward  destruction happened simultaneously.  Can we capable to save that

When we creat  greed, hate , ambition and envy all are destuctive in natures.The world can be saved from destruction only by us.

Just try to think some moments of our life like,
How you think
How you feel
How you live
The way you eat
The way you walk
Whether you are greedy
  and at last extend it. Then only it is possible.  Remember every big thing started from a little pebble.

Therefore,  what you are taught , not from books , though that matters like, mathematics,  history and Geography etc.but matters more is ,
What you are,
How you behave,
What you think,
What you say,
Whether you say well.


******Thanks to everyone*******


There is not one big cosmic
meaning for all, there is only
the meaning we each give to
our life, an individual meaning,
an individual plot, like an indiv-
dual novel , a book for each

*********ANIS  NIn********

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


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Creation  in all its manifold splendour was embedded with a delusion of incompleteness.
The karmic cycle is pedalled by desire.
Desire is based on the assumption that if this incomplete I gets a certain that , then I will be  complete. Desire of any kind from an incompleteness of the subject with a conviction of gratification by getting the object that is desired.

All things -good, bad, beautiful & ugly  , exist together  in a  complete  totality .The real is originally there in things , and the sufficient is originally there in things.  There is nothing that is not real and nothing that is not sufficient.
True nature of reality can never he appercceived  by a fractured perception.

The symbolic systems we use to describe the universe are not seperate from the universe, they are part of the universe, since we are within the system , our comprehension is incomplete.

Completeness can never want anything, it's  only the illusion of being incomplete that wants to seek.
Completeness is in being.
Incompleteness is in becoming or wanting to become .
Completeness is in silence .
Incompleteness  is in words.
Incompleteness is the reductionism of scientific thought.
Completeness is the wisdom of assimilation.
Completeness is within.
Incompleteness is  without.
Knowledge is incomplete.
Experience is completeness.

RAMAN MAHARISHI, stated "understanding God  with the logical mind filled with knowledge is impossible and such a desire is itself an obstacle  to realisation".

We are all wanting to seek something , what we already are.

N, B, The word  "sufficient" used  by  chinese philosopher CHUANG TZU, an early articulator of Taoism.

***Thanks to everyone * * * *


We are the local embodiment
of a cosmos grown to self -
awarness. .........
It is the tension between
creativity and sceptcism
that has produced the stunning
and unexpected findings of science.

****CARL SAGAN, Broca's Brain******

Monday, 3 February 2014


Your intentions is your Result
***** *********** **  *****  *****
Intentions of doing good to someone , your prayer may bring about good both to him and to yourself.
Some people pray for spiritual benefit of those , who have done them some wrong., thereby helping others spiritually.

In the entire spiritual panorama of the universe nothing is more sublime than spontaneous its highest form prayer leaves no room for the illusory duality of the lover and the beloved.
Most of us belief in religious constitute nand indispensable aporoach to God., they are neither essential nor necessary but sometime used as human weakness, they have no lasting value.

Some prayers invariably contain an element of asking something from God, either material or spiritual.  God is merciful that even without their asking  he always gives more than we can receive. He knows our real needs  more deeply than we do. Therefore asking from God is superfluous.

It is futile to attempt a standard prayer  and hold it up as an ideal for all people of all times.

The ritualistic and repetative expressions of prayer cannot do justice to the innermost essence of prayer .


Thanks to everyone * * * * * * * *


To take to oneself  unrighteous
wealth is like
satisfying one's hunger
with putrid food, or
One's thirst with poison wine.
It gives a temporary relief indeed,
but  death also follows it.

(Treatise on Response and
  Retribution 5)***********