My post title: what you have it in you.
My blog title : Horizon.
As we grow up maturity comes and are clearer about the meaning and purpose of our lives, we start realising that more likely the positive statements we have heard others made of us like,
You have enormous capacity to give of yourself.
You have a big heart .
You always reach out to others, these are more likely closer to the truth.
By all this appreciation have to learn to not react to put down by not letting them touch our souls. Its not a very easy process but instead of absorbing negative comments and feeling bitter and resentful about them, to correct them and never entertain them in our minds, if we hold them within our minds then it creates even greater rifts and divides people.
Appreciation heals division , it builds bridges and adds to our inner strengths, it help us with self -affirmation.,, it creates positive vibrations within us.
Once we start realizing then it does not matter for us.
We will continue to do good wherever we can and whenever we can.
Trouble starts when we begin to feel judgemental, we can observe others and merely observe them and never judge them finally.
We are to be good citizens of our lives, in which we walk, talk with and encounter others.
Go Ahead in Life And Know What You Have Within You.
Thanks to everyone.***********