Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Who am I? Think about this question;  let it trouble you.
Let it shake you up.Let it make you uncertain about your
Identity. If others try to pull you back  innto mainstream
dramas.often , others distract you because they find this
question scary and wants to forget it.
According to me, find that the unknown zone  looks
scary in the beginning but if  you stay on and explore,
you will be in for  a surprise.
Remember if you are sucess to break away from social
conditions in your mind, you will get a new fragrance of
Gradually start realizing what you are and not what want
you to be.
You will start experiencing HAPPINESS and CONTENTMENT.

1 comment:

  1. I AM with G-d and G-d is in me.In another word I AM you and you are me. We all come from the same source so that mean we are all the same. In a few million years from now I will no longer say "I AM" but "I". When all soul unite to the one source.
