The time has come to turn
your heart in to a temple of
fire, your essence is gold
hidden in dust.To reveal
its splendour you need to
burn in the fire of love.
The time has come to turn
your heart in to a temple of
fire, your essence is gold
hidden in dust.To reveal
its splendour you need to
burn in the fire of love.
Celebrate the happiness
that friends are always
giving , make every day
a holiday and celebrate
just living.
Why search anymore?
The whole universe has
come together to make
your existence possible.
There is nothing that is
not you.
The kingdom of God,
the pure Land, nirvana,
happiness and liberation
are all you.
A man's true wealth is
the good he does in
the world. Beauty is
eternity gazing at itself
In a mirror.
But you are eternity and
you are the mirror.
Arjuna , under my aegis,
nature brings forth the
whole creation, consisting
of both sentient and insentient
beings; it is due to this cause
that the wheel of samsara is
going round.
***BHAGWAD GITA, 9:10******
A genuine smile distributes
the cosmic current, prana
to everybody cell.
The happy man is less
subject to disease, for
happiness actually attracts
in to the body a greater
supply of the universal
life energy.
The mind generally takes
up various objects, runs in to
all sorts of things.
That is the lower state.
There is a higher state of mind,
when it takes up one object and
excludes all others.
As I kid had a dream
to own my own bicycle.
When I got the bike I must
have been the happiest boy
in Liverpool, may be the world....
Most kids left their bike in the
backyard at night. Not me. I
insisted on taking mine indoors
and the first night I even kept
It in my bed.
**Beatle JOHN LENNON*****
Music is the language of
the spirit. It opens the
secret of life, bringing
peace and abolishing
This mind , through
endless kalpes, has
never varied- never
lived or died, appeared
or disappeared. It's not pure
or impure, good or evil,
past or future.,,,,,, it's also
called the unstoppable
Tathgata, the incomprehensible
, the sacred self, the immoral, the great
Sage, its names vary but not its essence.
See the impermanence in this life.
Millions of years have passed and
millions more will come. Nothing is
permanent. In this broad, universal
context, what is your life?
It is not even a drop in the ocean.
Just open your eyes , and ask,
"Who am I? Why am I on this
Planet? What is my lifetime?"
An awareness dawns, and you will
stoo worrying about little things.
All smallness will simoly drop
and you will be able to live every
moment of your life.
When you review your life in
a broader context, the quality
of your life improves.
Everyone in this world
is a piligrim....His is a
sacred destination,
always dimly suspected,
though usually not concio-
Usly known.
What all men are truely,
seeking is a joy infinite
eternal ; divine.
You must understand the
whole of life, not just one
little part of it.
That is why you must read,
that is why you must look
at the skies, that is why you
must sing and dance, and write
poems, and suffer, and understand,
for all THAT IS LIFE.
Who so is perfect in
virtue and insight , is
established in the
dhamma, has realised
the truths, and fulfills
his own duties- he is
respected by all people.
*** DHAMMAPADA 217*****
There are no greater
treasures than the highest
human qualities such as
compassion, courage and
Not even tragic accident
or disaster can destroy
such treasures of the
By degrees, little by little,
from time to time, a wise
person should remove
his own impurities as a
Smith removes the dross
from silver.
***DHAMMAPADA 239***
This is true knowledge
to seek the self ast he true
end of wisdom always.
To seek anything else is
*** BHAGWAD GITA 13.11*****
Youu believe some else is
causing you stress.
The truth is there is only
one person responsible for your
State of mind and that person
Is YOU , so practice ...............
****JAYA ROW*********
In modern physics, there is
no such things as ' nothing',
Even in a perfect vaccum,
pairs of virtual particles
are constantly being created
and destroyed.
By nature you want to be happy. Each creature wants to be happy.
Everything that you are doing , , every single act you performing is
in pursuit of Happiness in some way.
We deal with people & situations effectively only when you are happy.
In our unhappiness, it won't matter what good intentions you have,
you will only spread misery in the world. Being happy or unhappy is
actually our choice.
People have chosen to be unhappy because they think that by being unhappy they will get something. Once you are unhappy, whatever
you get, what does it matter? If you are happy, if you don't get anything
what does it matter? This is not a philosophy; this is our true nature.
Why we want to serve people? Serving people gives us happiness;
that is why , somebody wants to wear good clothes; somebody wants
to make a lot of money, , because that gives them happiness.
Whatever every human being is doing on this earth, does not matter
what, even if he is giving away his life to somebody.
After doing all that you are doing, if happiness is not happening, some
where we have missed the ABCs of life. When we are child , we are
simply happy.
What we call our mind is actually just the stuff we have picked up from
social situations around us. Everything in our mind right now is something we picked up from outside. We got to identified with it,
now it is causing misery.
This body is not ours, we have oicked it up from the borrowed
it from the earth, it is not ours, for a while we have to use it, so enjoy it.
But we trying to identified with it, we think this is me.No wonder we
The basis of all misery is, we have established ourselves in untruth.
We are deeply identified with that which we are not,
True strength lies in
submission which
permits one to
dedicate his life.
One to dedicate his
life, through devotion,
to some thing beyond
HENRY MILLER**********
Money is not enough,
money can be got, but
they need your hearts
to love them.
So spread your love
everywhere you go,
******* **** *******
To live a pure
unselfish life,
one must count
nothing as one's
own in the midst
of abundance.
The teacher who teaches
true knowledge is more
important than 10 instructors.
The father is more important
than 10 such teachers of true
knowledge and the mother
is more important than 10
such fathers.
There is no greater guru
than MOTHER.
Verily, misers go not to
celestial realms. Fools
do not indeed praise
liberality. The wise man
rejoices in giving and thereby
becomes happy thereafter.
********DHAMMAPADA *****
O Goddess who resides
everywhere in all living
beings as intelligence
and beauty, I salute you.
Karma moves in two
directions. If we act
virtuously, the seed
we plant will result
in happiness.
If we act non-virtuously
suffering results.
** SAKYONG Mipham****
Giving simply because it
is right to give, without
thought of return, at a
proper time, in proper
circumstances and to a
worthy person, is enlight
ened giving. Giving with
regrets or in the expectation
of receiving some favour or
of getting something in
return , is selfish giving.
*BHAGWAD GITA 17.20-21*****
We achieve everything
by our efforts alone.
Our fate is not decided
by an almighty God,
We decide our own fate
by our actions.