If your happiness
depends on money,
you will never be happy,
with yourself.
Be content with what
you have,
rejoice in the way things
*****LAO TZU********
If your happiness
depends on money,
you will never be happy,
with yourself.
Be content with what
you have,
rejoice in the way things
*****LAO TZU********
Unless you see your
nature, you shouldn't
go around criticising
There is no advantage
ln deceiving yourself.
The soul is born old
but grows young.
That is the comedy
of life.
And the body is born
young and grows old.
That is the life's tragedy.
This supress essence
born as a mass of beauty,
music and joy, dazzling
in wisdom, noisy with
laughter, ever a master of
circumstances, king of events,
frisking about in lifes melancholy
contentions, meeting challenges
with daring and confidence, at
once a hero and a child all rolled
in one- this is the perfect god- man,
the eternal child of Vrindavan.
Light is shallow; darkness
is infinitely deep.
Light is always bounded,
darkness is not caused by any thing,
it is not an effect.
It is uncaused eternity.
******** OSHO **********
Free from desire, you
realise the mystery .
Caught in desire, you see
only the manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called Darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate way to all understanding.
*********LAO TZU *************
Life is a piligrimage .
The wise man does not rest
by the road side inns.
He marches direct to the illimitable
domain of eternal bliss, his ultimate
****** SWAMI SIVANANDA**********
Looking at religion from the prism of
FREUD and you will discover a
refreshing perspective.
No more repression, embrace the
Unconditional love that Krishna
Krishna transcends duality by simply
accepting it, so lets try to understand
**********OSHO ********************
Every sect has a faith,
a direction; Qibla to
which they turn,
I have turned my face
towards the crooked cap
of Nizamuddin Aulia
The whole world worships
something or the other
....so why can't I,
O wise people , fall at
my beloved's feet?
Every sect has a faith ,
a Qibla.
Freedom is unconnected with bondage, whether it is the bondage
Of habitt physical or psycological the bondage of attachment
& so on.
So there is only Freedom, not its opposite.
If we understand the truth of it then we
Will deal only with what is, & not with
'What should be' which is its opposite.
********* J K KRISHNAMURTI **********
To keep the body in good health is a duty,
Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind
Strong & Clear.
* Gautama Buddha *
Try to make - At least two
persons Happy in a DAY .
* * But make sure one of
* them is YOURSELF *
* * *
If you want Happiness
For a Life Time ----
Help Someone Else.
(Please start Today
because there is no Tomorrow).
Today will never come again
Be a Blessing.
Be a Friend
Encourage someone.
Take Time to CARE
Let your words Heal.
And Not WOUND.
Today I close the door to the
Open the door to the
take a deep breath,
Step on through & start
a new chapter in my
A dew drops sticks not to
A lotus flower is untouched
by water.
The same way wise clings to
nothing at all.
Not to the seen , the heard or
the sensed.
... .. .. BUDDHA ...
Consciousness is the
basis of all life and the
field of all possibilities.
Its nature is to expand &
Unfold its full potential.
The impulse to evolve is
thus inherent in the very
- -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The Real voyage of
Discovery consists not in
Sucking new landscapes,
But in having new eyes
Sometimes you find
Yourself in the middle of
In the middle of
You find
I had heard about Vipassana from people from different life styles & professions.
Life changing was a universal sentiment , some had been forced to confront something traumatic in their lives .Others had epiphonics & were reborn with a fresh perspective.
I had no expectations to spend 100 he's inside my own head.my only rule would be to surrender, to give myself completely to the Philosophy , no matter how silly I might think it to be. The whole process from Day 1 to Day 11.
A question arise in my mind last day, are as follow.
How can we love without attachment?
We are sad , when they pass away, but our sadness is not from attachment , because our love is pure, it is from the surfacing of PAST(which lead togetherness)Cravings & aversations that arise when we stop creating new ones.
3 stages of vipassana:
1, Sila- The moral base , no killing,, no stealing, no lying& absence from sexual misconduct .
2.Samadhi- To sharpen & focus the mind for long periods of uninterrupted awareness, begin by obeying their breath & graduate to feeling sensations over the body.
3.Panna- Wisdom ,accepting that the atomic structure of everything changes constantly & nothing is permanent.
In today's modern world, or better we can say world of TECHNOLOGY, we slowly , slowly detached from each other in rat race.
Research shows affectionates in the form of Hugs may be the answer.
Research shows that particular Hugs & touching , can make a difference to any bodies life.
The Human brain is closely nitted for relationships, for Empathic& language of body is Emotion.
In different research scientist comes to know the physiological process to shaping how we communicate verbally , all these communication of bodies tell us Emotional response of Love Stress & Anger.
From human life we can't separate physical or verbal communications from emotions.
A baby express feelings towards Parents, by emotions of Crying,Happiness, Hungry etc .Even in some research it is found that when a baby cries only for attention.
In human life biggest fear are intimacy fears,which give us pain only, sign of weakness.
We trained our mind that there is more pleasure in our Emotions.
Pain is a way that our body cries for help, to remind us to repair it. It is only communication language used by body to communicate with outer body.
Emotional or intelligence is shown to be key indicator of Success, more valuable than logical intelligence.
All emotions in Human life are important to move forward, when we accept them as a challenge to our life & send us a valuable information & not a statements.
In our daily busy life we all follows different type of culture, some time knowingly or unknowingly it project on us to follow (specially when we are child).
Now time & thoughts are changing very fast but we all never forget our own culture or better truth of our culture.
Hindus followed an act called "NAMASTE" it is in Indian culture practiced with great importance of it.
When we(Hindus) offering Namaste to the other person they remind to themselves & to the opposite person that they both are part of ONE SUPREME SOURCE.
The word NAMASTE means "BOWING HEAD DOWN", it signifies that there is only one person whom they offered NAMASTE.
Offering Namaste means to be in one AWARNESS that we are all from one DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Thanks to all.
We all human being maintained different relationships, but all are depend on some principles, I try to describe it as possible.
1. Possessions- we all are more eager to possess what we have , even we do not have, that is the first conflict started within us.
2.Obligatory Duties- Every possession & every new relationship creates its own obligatory duties .we cannot avoid basic duties of life towards parents, spouse & children.
Suppose we, become chairman & secretary of our building then it is add to your obligatory Duties.
3.Relationships- To make our life happy , we create many relationships but we neglect our own blood relations for social cohesion.
We have to remember to wish people on their birthdays, anniversaries, participate in function like marriage & engagement or reach out in case of sickness or loss.
You can experience sadness or pain.
4. Transactions-When we perform all these duties becomes a transactions. By this we made ourself busy & get exhausted end of the day.
Then we ask ourselves where is my HAPPINESS?
But that not signify no relationships or objects in our life.Always to be aware of their limitations & try to strike a balance.
The mind will be peaceful only when we are able to distinguished, what is necessary & what is unnecessary in our life.
Try to handle life life or make life in a practical way to enjoy HAPPINESS.
We all dont want to live an ordinary life. We want an extraordinary life , it means
by using creative mind to translate my own experiences
which help others become the best they can be.
So to follow that path of life from my dreams:
1. Negative discussion
2. Do not argue with your
3.Never afraid to ask for
4.Trust your intuition.
5.Dare to fail.
6.It is all about perspective.
7.Replace the word "MAY BE"
With "MUST BE".
8.Trust the power of your authencity .
9.Be patient in life.
This two lines are one of my favorite lines:by,
When you change the way
You look at things,
the things you look at change.
Thanks all.